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[SOLVED] How do I put the term and condition in a thickbox in the authentication.php

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I want to put the term and condition (CMS3) in a thick box in the authentication.php under the creat an account block. I copied the codes from the order page as follow:

{l s='(read)'}

But I don't get the thickbox pop up effect, I only got a page that use up the whole screen. What am I missing?

Do I need to add something to it?

Thank you for the help.

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I think you need to add the following before including header.php on line 207 of authentication.php:

$css_files = array(__PS_BASE_URI__.'css/thickbox.css' => 'all');
$js_files = array(__PS_BASE_URI__.'js/jquery/thickbox-modified.js');

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Hi there,

I am trying to do the same with my identity.tpl (to display Privacy Policy in a thickbox) but I don't really understand where to put the code:

$css_files = array(__PS_BASE_URI__.'css/thickbox.css' => 'all');
$js_files = array(__PS_BASE_URI__.'js/jquery/thickbox-modified.js');

Please can you advise where exactly I should place the above?
Many thanks!!

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Hey rocky, many thanks for your prompt response!

However, I still don’t get what you mean…

I’m on version and I do not have such line in my identity.tpl that includes header.php

Do I need to add some code within my header.php file then? If so, what part of the code and where exactly?

What about this part of code?

{include file=$tpl_dir./thickbox.tpl}

Where do I place this one?

I can't paste the full content of my identity.tpl file here, but that's how it looks like from line 77:

                   {foreach from=$months key=k item=v}
{l s="$v"} 

                   {foreach from=$years item=v}

               <input type="checkbox" id="newsletter" name="newsletter" value="1" {if $smarty.post.newsletter == 1} checked="checked"{/if} />
{l s='Sign up for our newsletter'}

               <input type="checkbox" name="optin" id="optin" value="1" {if $smarty.post.optin == 1} checked="checked"{/if} />
{l s='Receive special offers from our partners'}

               <input type="submit" class="button" name="submitIdentity" value="{l s='Save'}" />


       <!--{l s='Click HERE for our Privacy Policy'}-->
   Click HERE to read our Privacy Policy 

{l s='Back to Your Account'}
{l s='Home'}

I'm sure it must be something very easy to do but I just didn't catch up yet.

Thank you for your understanding and further explanations!

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