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Changes in the Footer

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I needed to make some adaptions to the footer. I installed a module 'Footer Custom' by Presta Crea. This module contained everything I needed but the appearance of the result is not what I hoped it would be.


I cant get rid of the original footer. I tried to make some adaptions to the global.css

changed the backrgound colour and the padding of the bottom,


This resulted in a change in the button 'add to shopping basked'. The '+' here became a 'G'.


Any ideas?







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Hi Wim,


In one of the css files (Can't see which one, as you turned on ccc optimisation. Turn it off (Advanced Parameters-> Optimization) if you want me to have another more detailed look) you have this code:


.footer-container .container {

    padding-bottom: 105px;

Decrease this amount to say 10px. You will get this:
The G I cannot see, I see a '+'....
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