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Tables used to deactivate a product Sync Software


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I'm making a sync between a POS and PrestaShop in the POS there are all the products etc and I'm syncing them to prestashop so far so good everything is working.


On my Source SQL i have u_ishop field if 1 it goes to shop if 0 it doesn't.


In my sync process the last step is to check for products that are active on the site but shouldn't be active cause u_ishop is 0 on the SQL so i update ps_product.active to 0 and ps_product_shop.active to 0 also .. the product gets off the category folder but it doesn't get off the New Products on the main page.


If i manually from the admin page deactivate any other product the product deactivated from my sync will also disappear.


Am in not updating all the tables necessary to deactivate the product?


Thank you

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