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[SOLVED] Configurations for homeslider in theme

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I have a problem with the module homeslider in the theme "613 Outdoor for PS 16 version 3.0" . I can't change the maximum width, speed or pause. The speed and pause is not the biggest problem, but I need to change the width, from 779 px to 1170 px.

Is it possible that the module is in somehow locked? And if so, how do I change that?


I am running prestashop


Yours faithfully


Edited by ramlov (see edit history)
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I do not have that many? I have removed the duplicates so that now there is only the ones with NULL under id_shop_group and id_shop.. But I still can't change the value in the module. Shall I change it in the ps_configuration?

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I have removed all entry related to the homeslider, but still cant get to change the values. Now it is just data there and It wont save my new entry.


But the picture is full width now but it is also higher than I want, can I change it manually somewhere?

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