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Strange css ccc file

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I am having a strange problem when editing the default theme

I have made the changes on my local machine and after uploading it to the side for some strange reason the theme

does not read the .css files

I have done all the usual stuff like deleting cache, recompiling and disableing everythig in "perfomance" in the BO

Stange thing is that if I ENABLE ccc then everything seems to work OK. But when it is disabled I have the above problem

Am I missing something ?


Kind Regards


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ccc of compressed .css will remain in your browser cache with expiry of one week, this is native prestashop gen of .htaccess


you can however delete the ccc of .css 



here you will find ccc of .css,  (I don't think clearing cache from back office will delete these files)  please let us know if you find that not to be true.

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Hi El Patron, 


I have deleted the cache from my browser and even opened the page on a machine I have never visited before

and I have deleted all files from default-bootstrap/cache (except the index file)

But the strange problem is not the ccc but the css file

with ccc everything works OK. When I disable ccc and use css I have a problem


Kind Regards

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Hi vekia although the file is uploaded normally (all ccs changes apply if I enable ccc) but don't seem to be there when using eg firebug

link to the site is www.multitec.gr/presta/


Note that atm ccc is disbled and instead of the my modified .css (which has red "new" tags) it;s showing the standard blue ones


Edited by niktaris (see edit history)
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