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Extremaly slow performance


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My store is loading extremaly slow for some reason. According to pingdom it takes 10 seconds for the initial load. I have most of the performance options enabled (Cache, CCC, APC caching), I even switched my hosting provider to A2 Hosting Turbo which was supposed to be blazing fast but in reality I didn't improve much.


How do I fix it? Is it something on the website or maybe its related to the webhost? Which hosting would you recommend for PrestaShop?

Edited by Doko
domain removal (see edit history)
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Sure I will try that though I don't think that is the problem. The issues is the wait time (5-10 seconds) before the website starts to actually load anything. Is this a problem on the webhost side or with the website? Which hosting company do you recommend for prestashop?

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Please provide screen shots of back office-->advanced parms-->performance...


once we know that config or lack of config is not an issue then easier to proceed.


I noticed that the original poster has javascript still loading top, this can be set to move javascript to bottom in performance panel.

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I agree with 65fastback2+2.

Consider this:

First of all contact your host IT and report your website poor performance.

Usually slow performance happens with low budged hosting services.

I had this situation before until I changed hosting to slightly more expensive and close to my location.

I spent lots of time to configure my website, to find reason and to communicate with hosting guys.

In vain.


Now it works very fast.

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honestly, for day to day shop manager, you can poke around to find a solution...get some ideas, but if they do not work you really down to two choices 1) contact host who will want you to ugprade, they are not going to spend much time debugging or 2) post in paid section, let one of the 'good' community [spam-filter]'s get in there and see if the issue is you are your  hosting.  If hosting have them move you...

then you are done...sleeping better at night and doing what you should be doing...creating cool butt front office, and selling your products...

my two cents

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I need to do a blog, as many things are usually the same...seldom do we have something novel.


see this post to help with debugging 



tip: seldom does 'one' module affect back and front, not saying there does not happen, but less frequently.  If front and back both slow then if not hosting it's usually incorrect setting of smarty cache on performance page. 


also on performance page, you can disable 1) non-ps modules and 2) overrides.

do this and then revisit and see if still issues, is so then you can flip one off retest..trying to find if override (assoc to a module) or a module (which may or may not have an override).  but with both off and still slow, and smarty cache turned on (remember smarty cache is for front/back)...then we can more easily point at a hosting issue.


on performance...like anything...say yes to 'everything' but you will need to be more aware if you are saying 'yes' to file/xcahse/memcache etc at the very bottom.


for back office, CCC and move javascript has no affect.  this will naturally create a slow back office, there is only one module on the planet for that, I wrote it, see my signature as I am usually flogging it there, or search 'prestashop bozoom'.  If you do not have javascript loading bottom (pre 1.6 users or 1.6 users that can not use because module theme non-compliant then search 'prestashop  javapro', again one of mine.


for anyone that want to throw their hands up and have someone look, check out my tech portal (https://tech.etiendas.co/)    Note: I am not on this forum to flog my modules or tech support but sometimes it's appropriate.  Personally?  if I was just starting out, and get sick of dorking with hosting, checkout OnDemand by PrestaShop, the server is tuned just for PrestaShop, most other hosting is tuned for wordpress... :)

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