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[SOLVED] Move block userinfo


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Hi everyone,


I am trying to move block user info as follows:


This means it must be separated from the rest of {$HOOK_TOP}



Can this be achieved with simple hooks or transplants?
Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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From the screen shot, it looks like you have 4 modules in there

1) wishlist

2) language

3) cart

4) userinfo


However since you are using a custom theme, I can't say if those are all in the same hook position (header, top, or something else)


If they are all in the same hook position (ie... top), then you might be able to use the modules > positions page in the back office, and drag user info module so that it is above wishlist

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Thanks bellini! You are the man!


I actually had to transplant the module into displayNav in my case but your information led me to the conclusion. 





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I have exactly the same problem and I think I use the same theme ! I want to put the 'sign in' button on top where the displaynav slider is. I did hooked the 'user info block' to displaynav and I unhooked it from displaytop and displayheader. still I cannot get the user info to the top bar where language, currencies, wishlist, etc are located. I am using Warehouse theme. Do I need to make any changes to CSS file of blockuserinfo, and if 'yes', what changes?

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Did you try moving the position of the hook in displayNav?


Also I added a class to the header_user_info div (the first div in nav.tpl in /warehouse/modules/blockuserinfo/) to float it right.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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