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Delete or hide left column according to screen resolution

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My shop is built with Prestashop

In my theme I have two columns : left and center columns.

I do not use the Prestashop mobile theme, as I was disappointed by it design.

Most of the information displayed on my left column is optional information.
So, I would like to hide the left column for small screen, as for mobile screen.

How would it be possible to add a condition that deletes or hides the left column when the width screen is lower than 400 pixels?

Thank you in advance for any piece of reply.


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It's a little rough way of doing it but yes, it's possible:


add to themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css (at the end of the file)


@media (max-width: 400px) {
  #left_column { display:none; }
That should do it. But as said, you probably want more changes to make it really nice for smaller screens.
My 2 cents,
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