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[SOLVED] Messed up shopping cart ID's


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I have setup and been running a store for several months without too many major problems, however i am now constantly getting errors when trying to add items to the cart.

Front office - when i go to a cart it shows as empty.

Back Office - When i manuall add an order i get the error message: An order has already been placed with this cart.
This product cannot be added to the cart.


Months ago i used a module to clean up the database - both the built in prestashop one and Database Optimization v1.1 - by MyPresta.eu


I think it deleted all the cart_id info? And the carts started again from the begginging.


But... it has been working ok upto now when suddenly i am getting problems with the "order has already been placed with this cart" messages and looking at the shopping cart list it is showing matches to the incorrect older orders.


How can i get the cart_id field to stop reusing old id's and start say from 900 or 1000 onwards to avaid reusing old id's?


Thank you for any help!!!



PrestaShop version

PHP version 5.4.31



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