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Upgrade failure

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Thanks, I've just tried that and it kept failing on different files.  Eventually, I was unable to even reach the dashboard, the site was stuck in maintenance mode.  So I restored via my host.


Beginning to think I should have stayed with Opencart!

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this is difficult I think with filezilla, it may be easier to use google to search how to do this using your type of control panel, i.e. cpanel/plesk/other


often times for failry decent hosting, they can help with these issues.


then for the brave of heart and adventurous, you can learn how to use ssh and enter your own chmod



tip: for setting file permissions make sure to search outside of PrestaShop, it's not related to this cms and you will find better info if you expand your search.


don't give up!  there are many different aspects to running a website, the cms/server side not to mention all php/java/html/  so be patient with yourself.

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Hi El Patron


Thanks for continued support here. What I can't quite understand is, during install you have to change permissions to succeed.  Yet, these permission don't satisfy something as basic as an upgrade.


I got another thread open about the lack of google site map module in version 1.6.  I tried to download the gsitemap, but that doesn't show up either.


Really frustrated to have spent time building a shop up.

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yes, it's a labor of love, and I run several shops and sometimes I want to just go full time on goat farm in the Andes.


typically out of the box, if we do not follow best practices, i.e. how we initially install shop files then we pay the price over an over again until they are fixed.  I've seen often for example people using ssh or uploading zip file and installing on the server as opposed to creating domain ftp and uploading, this can result in bad file ownership.  There are many ways we ourselves can make a mess of it and sometimes is just poor hosting.  


I think once you understand and then sort out your file permissions it will be much smother sailing.  And in all honesty, you could probably post in job offers and get the permission issues resolved for very little money.  Having actual access really makes it easier to resolve most issues.


Also, upgrading is not advised say from 1609 to 16011 unless there is something that is currently keeping your shop from functioning, i.e.  some fix or other major issue. 

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Thank you again, I will follow your advice and forget about upgrading if no actual issues are being caused.


I am still to resolve the google site map issue and I also don't understand what recursive permissions are.  I thought I understood the basic permissions.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am using FileZilla on a Mac to maintain my shop.

So may be the following procedure helps:


1. Make sure you have some time available

2. In FileZilla on the right window (remote site) select and do a right mouse click on the directory which includes you shop

3. Select the downmost sub-menu called "File Permissions"

4. Set the Permission and than select "Recurse into subdirectories"

5 Decide, whether you want to change all File Permissions only or Files and Directories or Directoriers only.


Changing permissions recursively means, the whole directory tree is parsed.


Hope this helps for FileZilla.




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I was upgrade from to through 1-click upgrade. I followed all instructions carefully and there was no error of any kind, then It said about clearing the cookies. I did it but when I typed my shop and backoffice url then nothing is there, no error nothing. I lost entire control from my BO. Please help me guys. what should I do.

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I was upgrade from to through 1-click upgrade. I followed all instructions carefully and there was no error of any kind, then It said about clearing the cookies. I did it but when I typed my shop and backoffice url then nothing is there, no error nothing. I lost entire control from my BO. Please help me guys. what should I do.


please in the future open new topic.

for  blank page turn on ps debug to obtain the underlying php error


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