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Show manufacturers on index mobile version

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I am doing a modifcation the mobile version of a web, and I have to add an include in the index.php of a mobile version.
this include is a copy of manufacturer-list.php.
This isn't working, it is showing "the there is no manufacturers", text, and when I go to the manufacturer link, works perfectly.
I test this on my localhost version and the index works just fine.
Can anyone give me a hand?
I think I have to do a hook to the manufacturer module, but I don't have clear where and how.
Thanks a lot.
{hook h="displayHeader"}
<div data-role="content" id="content">
{hook h="DisplayMobileIndex"}
{include file='./home_n.tpl'}
        {include file='./manufacturer-list-mb.tpl'}
        {include file='./sitemap-home.tpl'}
</div><!-- /content -->


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