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find tpl file location on page

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When I made my PrestaShop, my one gripe was the time-consuming hunt for the right .tpl and its related css file to modify.

I had a bit of free time, so I downloaded PrestaShop v1.6.0.11.  I then went through all the tpl files and added the location to the file.  Now on viewing the store, I can see which tpl file, and where it's located, is responsible for a particular part of the page. I didn't minify the css, so using the browser's Inspect Element or Firebug can tell you which css file is associated with the tpl

I put the store on a server and domain that I don't use anymore.  So, if you're hunting for a tpl file, you can see if it comes up on that site.  Hovering on some of the images on the homepage will yield a pop-up title with the location of where to modify the image. I don't know if anyone else would find this helpful, but it's there if you want it.

The Url is http://aluminum-telescoping-pole.com/demo-store/en/

If there are any mistakes or oversights, please let me know.

Edited by mikewra (see edit history)
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