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Can I have 1-click add to cart button that adds more than 1 item to your cart?

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Is this possible to do some quick way?

Also, is it possible to add an "add to cart" button to a page that is not a product page?

A little background info: I sell makeup on my site, and I have a section where I feature "looks". You need several of the products to complete a "look". I would like at the bottom of the look for you to add all the products in a look the the cart. I would prefer it not to be a new product "set" because if a customer doesnt want part of the look, they could just delete it from their cart. No, I can't use attributes because I modified this feature to be invisible and act as a subtitle to fix cart issues for long titles.

Sorry if that was confusing, any feedback is appreciated.
Ideally I could just make a new product for the look and include all the stuff in that, but I would need to know how to put an "add to cart" button on a non-product page.

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I am also interested in this feature
In product-list.tpl, I would like to have a qty field as well as the attribute dropdown just like it is done on the product.tpl page
I had a quick look at product-list.tpl and figured out we need to add a form in there and do it the way product.tpl page is code but I'm no programmer so it's beyond my knowledge level.

The idea is to have product-list.tpl display all the products for the category, like it does now, but to include a qty field and ability to choose which option/attribute.
This way, when there are attributes, the customer does not have to keep clicking into product.tpl, add the chosen attribute to cart, come back to the category to choose the next one, into the product page, select atttibute, add that, back out to the category page for the next one. All too hard %-P

Even better would be the ability to have one add to cart button per category page so the customer can go down the product list, choose the attribute from a dropdown list box, input qty and then submit their choices/quantities on one click before moving to the next page.

Anyone know how it can be done or is there a mod somewhere please. Thank-you

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Is this possible to do some quick way?
Ideally I could just make a new product for the look and include all the stuff in that, but I would need to know how to put an "add to cart" button on a non-product page.

I just re-read your requirements. Could you make a category called "Looks". Then have subcategories for each look. Then make products for each look. This way, customer can go to Looks Category, select which look, then add the components=products of the look they want on the looks subcategory category page

Did that make sense :blank:
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