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Questions about multiple options for products

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Hi there, I am thinking of switching over my shopping cart to Prestashop but before I do there are a few things that I need to make sure that it can do. From what I see there seems to be a module for almost everything but I can't seem to find one for this. 

Each product that I have has its own SKU. I need to be able to export sales on a daily basis for my warehouse crew to import into their database. Each item needs to be listed by order ID and each item on the list needs to have the SKU next to it. 

Now from what I can see this is doable, I see there is a place to put in SKU when you set up a new product, and I think I found a download order .csv module that will export this data (not completely sure but I would imagine so). 

Where I am not able to get my answer is for products that have different options. For instance, we offer two or three sizes of the same item, but each size has its own SKU. When you set up multiple options for the same item, is it possible to put in multiple SKUs also? 

Lastly, for the back in stock notifications, are these only available for items without options or for items with options? For instance, if we have a few sizes and one is out of stock but not the other, can a customer sign up to be notified when one of the options comes back in stock? 

I appreciate any help I can get on this topic. It would be a shame for me to go through so much work to get things set up and not be able to configure the site for my needs. 

Also, this is my first time posting on this forum, is there a way to sign up to a post and get email notifications when people respond? I can't seem to find it anywhere? 

Thanks again! 

Lee Harlan

Edited by leebug (see edit history)
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When you import your products you should use the SKU as the identifier for each one.  PS doesn't require you to supply all the fields in an import only those you need.


I don't know of a module to export orders. Most of my clients want to email or FTA orders as PDF's etc. to the order dept or print them on the order dept printer. The order doc would show cust name and address, items ordered etc..


I don't know anything about the back in stock module.


When you start a thread on the forum I think you are automatically signed up for email alerts.  Also up at the top of the first page of a thread you will see a "Follow this topic". Just click on that to get alerts.


Richard Williams

[email protected]

Initial Product Imports

Order Export.

and more. 

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