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gave up on themes for now and wanted to move on to functionality. reason for this is i want to move on from zencart. here in lies my issue correct me if im wrong. but the mass import function is split in two. one for cat one for prod. i have roughly 125 cats and subcats. 11000 skus. i tried to try just uploading products. i seem to get error 500. i presume most likely php.ini setting. right around 1000 products is when it doesnt dump. but i noticed it does auto create categories however its not wise enough to identify duplicates. i really dont want to blow a whole day re writing a seperate csv with a tree breakdow that this can understand is there anyway to mass import products with auto creation of category? ie in zen i use easypopulate. just dump one csv in and magic happens

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I've encountered similar issues with imports from osCommerce based carts.

No, the product imports WILL NOT automatically create categories.  In fact, the category references used by Prestashop require that you know the category index value used by the cart.

Worse yet, Prestashop uses a couple of categories generated internally to create the basis for holding multiple category sets in the same database.  Really cool programming technique - but it does mean that data conflicts are likely to happen if the source cart has categories with id's of 1 or 2. (perhaps 0 or 1, I'd need to check my notes).

I've written scripts to export from osc / zen cart installations - creating PS style import files rather than attempting to use Easy Populate.

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i wasnt using easypop for ps. rather then just referencing it. it might be a cool programming technique. however its just another convuluted way for an end user. im starting to get the picture that ps is intended for small stores with minimal categories and skus. thanks for replying

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My pleasure.

I'm also just starting to use Prestashop - though, I'm thinking it seems to be targeted more towards larger stores with more complex needs.

The import/export system is split in far more than two pieces - it also supports manufacturers, suppliers and other data objects (images, attributes).

There is a lot of potential here.

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there is potential. however there needs to be alot of refining. as a small biz owner time is money. and splitting and configuring multiple files for product management is a waste of time in my opinion. going back to magenta and its quirks. it can handle large stores much more efficiently and in a timley manner. good luck with your travels for me ps is a dead issue for smaller less involved stores

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I'm pretty sure you can import products using only the category name - not the id.


I'm also pretty sure that when you upload a product with a new category it will be created automatically and if you upload more than one product with the same category they will both be placed in the same single category.


This can be tested very easily by just creating a CSV with two products in the same nonexistent cat/subcat and importing them.


In the past we have had to divide CSV's up into smaller CSV's so that the import does not time out. I don't think this has been fixed.  If  it times out you just get a blank screen.


Hope this helps.


Richard Williams

[email protected]

Initial Product Imports

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put it this way in the same time i dicked around with trying to import a hug 32mb csv. i just did today a full blown magenta istall. 45 categories 155 sub categories and 16xxx products. 95/ configured and ready to go. just need to touch up the html face anf aesthetics. should be live by tue replacing my zen store

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