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How to let user select the number of options on item?

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I have some trouble to configure some item options:
I've one item, let's say I sell houses, so there is one pretty house as article, but I want to provide to the customer some basic options:
  • simple door,
  • huge door,
  • simple windows,
  • double windows,
  • color
Customer miust select the color, the number od doors and number of windows.
Each simple door cost 100$, huge door costs 150$, each simple window costs 50$, each double windows costs 75$.

How can I do?

I've tried to use product attributes, but if I put 5 maximum for each item with 5 colors, it creates me a huge list (error 500 when generating the list by the way) so how can I made to allow to the customer to input the numbers of "options (doors, windows, etc)?
Thanks in advance folks!


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