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PayPal authorization (manual capture) help


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I'm currently on PrestaShop and PayPal USA, Canada v1.3.8.  I've tried searching the internet and the forum, but can't find where to setup PayPal to only authorize PayPal and not to charge the credit cards immediately.  PayPal's tech support it is done through PrestaShop, but their instructions are for an older version of PrestaShop.  Please advise. TIA.

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Thanks for the reply, bellini13.  I have Payments Advanced and Express both enabled.  It took all the API/login credentials without errors.  I'm assuming only Payments Advanced is capable of accepting credit cards with auth - but don't see any options...

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So it is with payments advanced only that you want to do authorization?  I assume it would not apply with express checkout, since they would be paying from their Paypal account



PayPal's tech support it is done through PrestaShop, but their instructions are for an older version of PrestaShop.  Please advise. TIA.



Could you provide those instructions anyway, it may still prove helpful

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line 416 in paypalusa.php has the following line of code.

$result = $this->postToPayFlow('&TRXTYPE[1]=S&AMT['.strlen($amount).']='.$amount.$nvp_request.'&CREATESECURETOKEN[1]=Y&DISABLERECEIPT=TRUE&SECURETOKENID[36]='.$token.

In there is "TRXTYPE[1]=S", which I suspect means "Transaction Type = Sale".  I believe you can change the S to an A for Authorization.


I am basing that on the following information


(Required) Indicates the type of transaction to perform. Values are:
- A = Authorization
- B = Balance Inquiry
- C = Credit (Refund)
- D = Delayed Capture
- F = Voice Authorization
- I = Inquiry
- K = Rate Lookup
- L = Data Upload
- N = Duplicate Transaction
Note: A type N transaction represents a duplicate transaction (version 4 SDK or HTTPS interface only) with a PNREF the same as the original. It appears only in the PayPal Manager user interface and never settles. 
- S = Sale 
- V = Void




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