Jump to content problem with saving products

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Well, on hhvm (after my fix) there's just first load slow, then it goes very fast.

Anyway, i think, the "conventional" way of product editing thru admin interface is very slow by its nature. Especially, when i need to add alot of products quickly. So, i think, the best would be to use .csv import/export, and/or any kind of SQL tool.


I seriously think to use LibreOffice database to connect to mysql server and do changes directly (if only i would have enough time for it ;) )

Edited by DaoKakao (see edit history)
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Oh, c'mon! It's opensource, so nobody owes to anyone nothing, nobody care your problems. Most of them is only yours, untill you won't pay for it's resolution.


As for external tool - it's usual practics, there's already present as minimum 2 external tools for PS (PS manager and PS commander, if my amnesia don't lie to me ;) )

But all of them aren't free.


The benefits are obvious:

 - less memory consumption on server, just for mysql and query execution (mysql can import csv files natively)

 - MUCH faster product addition

 - you can manage your product list at your PC, the way as you wish, and change the product's detail much easier (even with 10k+ of products libreoffice calc would process this list very fast)

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Just came to mind - what would happen if to disable the timymce in the product editor page? What would be speed?


The idea is to prepare html markup of product's description on local pc (in the notepad++ for instance, 'cos it free and has the html highlight feature) and then just paste it to textarea and save.

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10+ seconds :)


it is a pain to add say 7 products..  


People saying 10 seconds is oke sounds weird..  Prestashop was fine before that dreaded update... 


I tested the free online version and it has the same problem?????  


I am wondering if all people have this 10+ seconds wait before the save button gets active??? It might be a feature?  

I have Few copies on the same shared server environment (production, testing, standard...) range for waiting spinning save to stop is about 12 - 35 sec.

But all can save product after updated ...

 I have a standard and it can save products... I have not tried the online one (do you meant cloud one ?!)

May be we are having different causes on the "spinning save button". In previous thread, someone has explained there are several causes. p.s. I am not technical enough to understand all but what I can do it to wait.

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Exactly! I just figured out, that in one of my envs (nginx+hhvm 3.7) there're infinitely disabled save buttons with endless spin glyph, in another (nginx+php 5.6)- everything's ok.


So, investigation showed some things, which could be cause:

1. As far as i use the nginx, there isn't problem cause of mod_security, mod_evasive, DDOS-protection settings, et c. apache stuff

2. First cause is incorrect configs. This should be in the nginx config (*.php section): 

        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$is_args$args;

3. Second cause i've just found - as described above, sometimes there's incorrect variable initialization lead to malformed JS eval() and as result disabled buttons. It appears only on the hhvm, not php-fpm backend. Anyway, in PS code (*.tpl) there some same strings, and just in one .tpl there's check whether the {$post_max_size} variable is properly initialized. So, i think, it could be potential problem in any environment.

During that error investigating, at profiling of page loading, i found that most of time consumed by timyMCE startup because (1) it loaded as eval() function call and (2) it loaded in the iframe. So, as it seems to me, that's why page editor would be slow on (almost) any environment.


However, now, on the hhvm backend everything's working with the supersonic speed.

Edited by DaoKakao (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...



On my Debian devbox I had the same problem


After i had disabled reqtimeout module (seem to be active on a default install)  all run fine.

sudo a2dismod reqtimeout && service apache2 restart
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I don't have apache at all! Despite this i've got delays.


The (inevitable) cause of slow product editor page load is its strange algorithm - after initial page load it being loaded again thru ajax calls - to load all the tabs of product editor. So, default # of tabs is 14, that's why in most cases complete page load (when spin glyph changed to save glyph and buttons become enabled) takes near 10-15 sec.

Edited by DaoKakao (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have the same problem. Some product fields (description, meta, images, etc) randomly are not saving from the first click "Save".

I've tried to create new user with permissions only to add and edit products and it's WORKING!!!


Prestashop 1.6.13 updated with 1-click to 1.6.14 


I hope this bug will be fixed, my thought that maybe some module creating this problem.

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If You have mod_pagespeed enabled on your server, just put .htaccess file to your admin directory with next derective

<IfModule pagespeed_module>
ModPagespeed off

Worked for me.

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  • 5 weeks later...

What also worked for me is adding 

ModPagespeedDisallow "*/admin/*"

in the mod_pagespeed conf file. Just in case you want to actually use pagespeed for front office.


ModPagespeed off


Can this two config. be use  together !? Besides, modify the .htaccess file, anythings else need to do to make it effective ?!

I have added the the .htaccess but seems no effect at all. I wonder if I have missed anythings !


Thanks for any comment !


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I have the same spinning save button problem, after upgrading PrestaShop 1.6,  when trying to save products from my PC that is running  windows7 professional OS, while when trying to save products on the other PC that is running windows 8 all is fine...any suggestion, thanks! roberta

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been experiencing this issue even before we upgraded to the version.

The save button became available eventually but the the product would often not save the data on a product. Some tabs would work/save/load, the ones that don't work/save/load are: prices, associations and combinations.


As a e-commerce store, a resolution is important and necessary.


Has there been a fix?? or something I can tell my developers to do to resolve this issue??




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HIi Condura, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately we haven`t fixed the problem. The only thing that we realised that the save button  is not working on OS Windows 7 (tried on 5 PC using windows 7) but on other OS, windows 8 is working properly. And that is happening only in the catalogue products tab, when we tray to save something in the catalogue in the category tab all is fine.

Thank you.
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HIi Condura, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately we haven`t fixed the problem. The only thing that we realised that the save button  is not working on OS Windows 7 (tried on 5 PC using windows 7) but on other OS, windows 8 is working properly. And that is happening only in the catalogue products tab, when we tray to save something in the catalogue in the category tab all is fine.

Thank you.


Thanks ribetty,

I don't really have an issue with the buttons loading (I'm on windows 7) but I will upgrade to the windows 10 shortly and hopefully this can make some difference.

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This is a fundamental design flaw.  Irrespective of whether the page is being loaded via ajax, the entire set of tabs should not be loaded at once.  The page for each tab should be loaded when it is clicked on.  Simple. It is poor design to have pages seperated but their server side calls together.  In other words, each tab should have its own set of buttons that are loaded per tab.  Seperation (and sub-separation) of concerns. 


It is not just a layout or UX consideration. 


If you have enough data to neccesitate them being displayed on various tabs, then the justification simultaneously exists for each tab to have their own CRUD methods.


THIS is what happens when UX designers are left to make architectural choices (or architecture is designed with UX in mind).  UX ALWAYS comes secondary to architecture, speed and server-side considerations, and it is very evident that within the Prestashop organization, UX comes a faaaaar first.  It is a pure fact that UX can and always should be made to fit code, not the other way around. 


You simply cannot save such a huge set of data in one go.  It will tax networks, servers and opens a ton of places for things to go wrong (such as Ajax requests, hello), as this whole debacle has proven.  GET THE BEST ARCHITECT MONEY CAN BUY, before anything else, and make him or her God in your company.


And yes, this issue most definitely persists on version vanilla, out of the box on Apache, Nginx and IIS7.  Three different machines, not shared, each with proper configurations.

Edited by jucedupp (see edit history)
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i don't think prestashop is even trying to resolve this anymore, just wanting us to upgrade all of the time. I'm hesitant to do this due to the fact that my version is and the fix didn't happen.

I'm switching to wordpress atm.

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Well... I reverted back to version - and that is where I will stay - INDEFINITELY!


I have spent way too much time and money fixing my theme to work after the upgrade from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0 to take the chance that anything else breaks...


I have no idea what I have done to fix this problem and the others that I had, but I have finally gotten the version I am running to do everything correctly except for the product combinations generator, and it works, just not real pretty.

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  • 1 month later...

I have this issue since installing 24 module updates two weeks ago. My shop is crippled. I cannot update products. Only the product information page loads. All other tabs are blank. The save buttons never stop spinning. I have tried restoring  earlier backups but the problem is still there. This is my livelihood. I cannot believe this goes back to February this year - now it is September and not fixed. It is the end of Prestashop for me. I am now losing so much money that I am willing to pay any price for a working shop. Can anyone recommend the best one to migrate to from Prestashop? (I have 4600 products)

I am not very technical. I have tried all the suggested fixes on this forum that I understand, but none has worked.

Edited by Ralph Northcott (see edit history)
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I didnt have this problem on any of the older 1.6 versions, after i upgraded to my problem of save button endlessly spinning has started. I also see an error in developer console 404 not found for admin/themes/default/css/admin-theme.css.map which does not exist even in a fresh prestashop download. Not sure if this is related to the spinning save button though. Which file must be calling this particular css.map file?

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Agree with "Ralph Northcott"

I've the same issue. Then we can not ad new products quickly and lost lot of sales.

"flyclothing" is correct. Opencart is simple, fast and user friendly. You can find lot of module for free and very reasonable price.


Unfortunately, i spent lot of money to customize my PS store. Then I'm waiting for quick solution.

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Hi there,


After I upgraded my first of five presta shops that i manage to version, I also experienced the slow backoffice and long spinning save button on the product page.


In the beginning it took more than 1 minute to load the product page with visible save buttons. After a few adjustments it now takes 22 seconds. When I reproduce this on the demo site from Prestashop itself it takes 23 seconds to load the page on their server. Prestashop are you working on this issue and can we expect improvement? Do not keep us in the dark!!!!


Gr. Kuipje

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Dear "kuipje"

I've the same issue with product page "Save and stay" and "Save" buttons.


In product page "Save and stay" and "Save" buttons take 45 sec to 2 min spinning time.

After that time period, Web Browser go to 10 to 50 sec "Not Responding" time.

After that time browser get normal and it take 5-15 sec. Then it stuck again 2-5 sec.

After that time "Save and stay" and "Save" buttons showing correctly and i can save the product.


I face same issue from adding new product and edit products.


Need to wait again for button spinning, browser not responding and stuck time after press "Save and stay" and "Save" button.


I'd like to try your "few adjustments" you did to your store.
Can you please post your methods, Then other members can try it.

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It seems to me, that product editor in its current state is almost unusable for mass product add/edit, et c. Despite, that my time of  spinning "Save" buttons is near 15-20 sec, it's totally unacceptible when i try to add/edit products manually.


Of course, i know about import/export to/from csv, but, that way does not affects the need to load images manually.

Edited by DaoKakao (see edit history)
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I upgraded my test site to Prestashop version and have the same problem.


Backend is much slower and editing product takes 30 – 60 seconds.



This is not acceptable and is a BIG problem


Prestashop are you working on this!!!



I am now on Prestashop version with my production site and this works fine


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Hi, same problem for me, I have tried a lot of the suggested turnaround. 

My problem is a bit different, once I press SAVE and STAY, the product is saved, but I got a blank page, also in debug mode. If I refresh that page I go to product list (even with STAY option) and it I go back I get the product modified as it should be normally.


can anyone help me?

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@White lion


I removed all unnecessary modules and turned on all caching options possible for me in the backoffice.


I'm using a VPS to host 3 of the Shops, with Prestashop version 1.5  there were no performance issues ad all. After i updated 1 shop to version this one is using all resources available. With root access i installed opcache for php with directadmin Costumbuild 2.0 and added 1 core to the vps.


if the demoshop needs the same time to show the buttons it is a structural problem within the software that we are not going to fix in my opinion.


Gr. Kuipje

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I just tested it again on and it is taking 60 seconds for save to become available.  I've run online stores for 15 years now and never seen anything like this. There is nothing worse than hearing company marketing touting a software's capabilities and then finding a basic function does not work and has not been fixed in 2-3 updates.

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Not sure if this is the same issue as yours but I've been looking into what was causing my issue,


My issue was the buttons was spinning out, Also I had issue with combinations AJAX call timeout.


This was mainly due to the large amount of data it having to load.


I found the way the combinations are sorted it causing it to error if the max_execution_time is set to low.


i found that this line was causing the delay and commenting it out brought the sight back to a 10 second load timer




in function "public function initFormAttributes($product)"

in Loop "foreach ($attributes as $k => $attribute) "


comment this line out "natsort($attribute_js[$attribute['id_attribute_group']]);"


not sure why at this time the natsort is causing this but it could be the same issue causing some of your to load slower or spin out as well, Still looking into natsort to why this is causing this


One thing I've been thinking may be the better option is not loading all tabs but loading tabs as you open them or limit which tabs are loaded from get go so the ones that could be large array/List of data is loaded only when on that tab. this would also solve the load times and give script the time it need to load the data before the max_execution_time is reached.


Edited by Credz (see edit history)
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One thing I've been thinking may be the better option is not loading all tabs but loading tabs as you open them or limit which tabs are loaded from get go so the ones that could be large array/List of data is loaded only when on that tab. this would also solve the load times and give script the time it need to load the data before the max_execution_time is reached.​


You absolutely right! There was another post or topic, where a've described this. The root of problem is really there - after page load, ajax-script starts loop of loading tabs, each-after-other, and this is most time consuming procedure. My opinion - this is design issue, not coding.


So, untill now, we didn't get any reaction.

I don't know, whether is possible community to organize request for feature fix/improve?


UPD: as for me, now the only really working tool for product editing is excel/LO calc + custom SQL queries. Horrible things.

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You absolutely right! There was another post or topic, where a've described this. The root of problem is really there - after page load, ajax-script starts loop of loading tabs, each-after-other, and this is most time consuming procedure. My opinion - this is design issue, not coding.


So, untill now, we didn't get any reaction.

I don't know, whether is possible community to organize request for feature fix/improve?


UPD: as for me, now the only really working tool for product editing is excel/LO calc + custom SQL queries. Horrible things.

not sure it the amount of ajax it mainly the amoun of sorts/loops in the ajax calls.


Not sure why it was done this way (Talking about the combinations one since this is the one I been looking at the most atm)


how it done atm it


Call to Pull the combinations from MySQL.

Then we do some checks to see if it disabled etc..


Then we do a loop to order it and put the data into another array


this so far could be done much faster instead of the 2nd loop Just pull the data from MySQL with the ORDER id ASC or how every you want it


which would increase the performance of that block so far


Might be more we could do to take of the amount of work that got to be done in an ajax call ..


But there could be a reason why it was done that way but I be looking at it this week/weekend to see what I can do to increase performance and see about getting a pull-request up on GitHub if they accept them that is.


also if you want me to take a look at any part to see if there something I can see to help you speed yours up let me know and I see If there something I can put together tonight for you


With the change I posted above it has increase my site to take 10 seconds to load few k of data so the "natsort" call is 100% causing the issues

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I have to say I find this utterly ridiculous. This thread is now nine months old and the problem has not been fixed. As others have pointed out, you can go to Prestashop's own backend demo page and experience the "spinning save" for yourself. I clocked it at 33 seconds after the New Product page started loading for the Save button to stop spinning and become active.


I haven't tried the GitHub solution yet but I'm a little leary of using hacked code. I may try it anyway as I'm getting ready to dump Prestashop and move on. What bugs me is I've spent a week tweaking my theme to get it just right and now that I'm trying to add products it's just painfully, stupidly slow and all that time spent getting my shop to look right is probably going to be wasted.


EDIT: After taking a look at that GitHub fix above, it appears you only need to comment out lines 2059 to 2072 of /classes/controller/AdminController.php and not actually change or add anything. I did this and it cut down the time the save button becomes active to about 8 seconds. Still a bit long but way more livable. I don't know what I'm giving up by commenting out those lines but adding a new product seemed to go without a hitch.

Edited by Wing Fat (see edit history)
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My problem with the spinning save buttons is solved after i applied this commit :





Loads in around 3 - 5 seconds now.

I tried this in (I have 950+ products)

Time has been shortened by 15 sec. (from 53 sec. into 4x sec.)

After applying

<IfModule pagespeed_module>

ModPagespeed off


This further shortened by 20 sec, (into about 2x sec.)

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I don't understanding prestashop choice to not get involved into the forum post. This indeed is à 9 months old post. Many people responding and complaining ? How is This possible and why is there no response. The problem is clear and Simple, the backend is slow as .... How can I be sure prestashop is My e-commerce platform for the future. I am Not reassured That prestashop future version will Not completly break My business ! Doing modifications like




Will probably give me future problems as I don't now what I am giving up.


Hello is someone home ?

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Yeah, I definitely understand your frustration.  You read for months about picking the right cart based on the information they provide you and then you get in and find it wasnt any better than what you were using before.  But I guess you'll find that to be the same across the board for shopping carts.  I know if it was a US based company, it would have definitely been addressed but may just be a cultural difference.  I've even posted questions and videos about the slowness directly on social media and they were without response.  Luckily the solution above did work for me so I am thankful at the moment.  Thank you forum!

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The forums might be a good place to find answers to questions for many problems which other users might have faced or are facing, but it has been said many times that if you are stuck without a solution, the forge is the right place to file a bug and wait for the solution. The github link i posted above was given to be by one of the developers of Prestashop, and they actually have replied pretty soon to bugs i have filed in the last 4 years i have been using Prestashop. I remember the block layered navigation, one of the best features of Prestashop which had so many bugs at launch, but the devs would address so many bugs taking remote FTP access and paying individual attention to all of  these bugs.


As far as this bug is concerned, what is interesting technically to me is, i never had this issue till i upgraded to, all the other versions before this worked fine. Some of you had problems with the save button since January on older versions. Hmm...

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I tried this in (I have 950+ products)

Time has been shortened by 15 sec. (from 53 sec. into 4x sec.)

After applying

<IfModule pagespeed_module>

ModPagespeed off


This further shortened by 20 sec, (into about 2x sec.)

I have applied this

<IfModule pagespeed_module>

ModPagespeed off


into my production site running The spinning save shorten to within 10 sec. 

However, the piece of code defined in https://github.com/P...d674189abc19493 does not exist in (p.s. I can find those code in

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Dear "indus" and "dtgmaze"

My shopping cart is running on PrestaShop


I can not find the https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/7e891c594e3cc8b48aea0a57ed674189abc19493?diff=unified#diff-d373723286a172a4ca3d76c4858f565b defined codes from /classes/controller/AdminController.php


Need to find a solution for PrestaShop

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My problem with the spinning save buttons is solved after i applied this commit :





Loads in around 3 - 5 seconds now.


Indus, thanks for sharing.


I also tried this solution. And it works fine for me on  :)

I had 18sec save-button-spinning (shared hosting). Now a have 9sec. And also i mentioned that all BO pages now loading much faster


for example:

Catalog/Suppliers page — 0.986sec (PrestaShop original),

Catalog/Suppliers page — 0.330sec (after AdminController.php modification)


And now i have only one question — is it safe?  <_< (Of course i did backup before mods).

Edited by serdib (see edit history)
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Using FTP go to "admin > themes > default > template > controllers > products" and in all .tpl files find:
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>
1. Remove " disabled="disabled "
2. Replace "process-icon-loading" with "process-icon-save"
The results should be:
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>
I used Dreamwaver to open all files from the >>products folder and then I used "Find and Replace" tool to search and replace in all files at once.
Save all files and you're done!




This works for version as well


Thank you so much for this!

Edited by bgbbusk (see edit history)
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I am happy it works for some of you but it still doesn't work for my Prestashop new update, after I applied indus method !! On my backend the button is spining indefinitely. Also the prestashop mascot on the top right is spining indefinitely !

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I am happy it works for some of you but it still doesn't work for my Prestashop new update, after I applied indus method !! On my backend the button is spining indefinitely. Also the prestashop mascot on the top right is spining indefinitely !

Try this I posted a few posts back as it could be the same issue


Not sure if this is the same issue as yours but I've been looking into what was causing my issue,


My issue was the buttons was spinning out, Also I had issue with combinations AJAX call timeout.


This was mainly due to the large amount of data it having to load.


I found the way the combinations are sorted it causing it to error if the max_execution_time is set to low.


i found that this line was causing the delay and commenting it out brought the sight back to a 10 second load timer




in function "public function initFormAttributes($product)"

in Loop "foreach ($attributes as $k => $attribute) "


comment this line out "natsort($attribute_js[$attribute['id_attribute_group']]);"


Should look like this once commented out


not sure why at this time the natsort is causing this but it could be the same issue causing some of your to load slower or spin out as well, Still looking into natsort to why this is causing this


One thing I've been thinking may be the better option is not loading all tabs but loading tabs as you open them or limit which tabs are loaded from get go so the ones that could be large array/List of data is loaded only when on that tab. this would also solve the load times and give script the time it need to load the data before the max_execution_time is reached.


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Thank you Credz, I tried this but no way. I commented the natsort out but the buttons are still spining. I have no access to update the products. Some tabs like SEO and images don't show at all. I don't really understand the second solution. How can I limit the tabs to be loaded?

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Thank you Credz, I tried this but no way. I commented the natsort out but the buttons are still spining. I have no access to update the products. Some tabs like SEO and images don't show at all. I don't really understand the second solution. How can I limit the tabs to be loaded?


Your welcome Zouhir,


Atm I not finished working on making the tabs load as needed, but if you can find out which tab/data call is the cause of your issue I will take a look and try and post a fix/tmp solution for you so you can carry on working on your site.



Check the console of your browser and see if there any errors and also check the network tab and If you can find which call in there is still running/Timeout and if you could send it here to which one it is then I can take a look to see what could still cause the timeout for you

on the network tab if you click on them or Right click them and Select "Body / response" and check there output of them, there might be an error in them or a timeout message if so that be the file causing your issue,



 Internet Explorer: Go to the screen where you are experiencing the error. navigate to Settings > F12 Developer Tools. Or click F12


Chrom​e: Go to the screen where you are experiencing the error. navigate to View > Developer > JavaScript Console or More Tools > JavaScript Console or press Ctrl + Shift + J.


if your having issues finding the error if you could Give me which version your running and How many products and How many items/options you got in each products so I can try and setup a test site to see if it errors out for me etc..


Edited by Credz (see edit history)
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Thank you for your support Credz.

In Chrome console source tab I have ... controller=AdminProducts....and in Products.js the line 186 is highlighted:

if ((status === 'abort' || status === 'error' || request.responseText.length == 0 || in_array(request.status, wrong_status_code) || self.stack_error.length !== 0) && !self.page_reloading).

Could this be of any help?

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You're welcome,


I remember this been a issue when I was looking for a fix for mine. The request.ResponseText is undefined. I did change it on mine but also there was a error on one of the script in the network tab as it did not get the completed status from the script so it could not get a request object.


change it this did fix the issues of the button spinning out but it was still a long wait will still need to find which call in the network tab is failed or timeout


But you can change that line to this to fix the error.


if ((status === 'abort' || status === 'error' || ( request.responseText === undefined && request.responseText.length == 0) || in_array(request.status, wrong_status_code) || self.stack_error.length !== 0) && !self.page_reloading)



the change to the line was this

this part of the line "request.responseText.length == 0" change to

( request.responseText === undefined && request.responseText.length == 0)



Once change have a look to see how it loads and then see if there any other error if not check the bottom of the network tab click each item and check the response yo may see one of them still loading as well if so that might be the one causing the error but I hope it improve the load for you

Edited by Credz (see edit history)
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My problem with the spinning save buttons is solved after i applied this commit :





Loads in around 3 - 5 seconds now.


It works! I have a v1.6.1.1 prestashop and the spinning save buttons only stay 5-10 seconds.

I hope this fix doesn't make errors in other place of the administrator panel...


Thanks a lot!

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It works! I have a v1.6.1.1 prestashop and the spinning save buttons only stay 5-10 seconds.

I hope this fix doesn't make errors in other place of the administrator panel...


Thanks a lot!

I have been using the GitHub fix for a couple of weeks now and have added about 500 products to my store in that time and haven't encountered any errors or problems.

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I tried this in (I have 950+ products)

Time has been shortened by 15 sec. (from 53 sec. into 4x sec.)

After applying

<IfModule pagespeed_module>

ModPagespeed off


This further shortened by 20 sec, (into about 2x sec.)

in which file did you apply:

<IfModule pagespeed_module>

ModPagespeed off


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Same problem here since, now running


Each tab takes about 1.8 seconds to load with the save buttons becoming available after 25 seconds.


I've got about 500 products, have combinations switched off and am not seeing seeing any ajax errors.


I've also tried the GitHub patch without any improvement.


Is something Prestashop Manager or Commander the only solution here to make product editing viable?

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Using FTP go to "admin > themes > default > template > controllers > products" and in all .tpl files find:
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>
1. Remove " disabled="disabled "
2. Replace "process-icon-loading" with "process-icon-save"
The results should be:
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>
I used Dreamwaver to open all files from the >>products folder and then I used "Find and Replace" tool to search and replace in all files at once.
Save all files and you're done!



I am on and this did not work for me..all it did was prevent the save buttons from "spinning". Any changes made to the product were not saved when the Save or save & stay buttons were clicked.

Edited by sandman7 (see edit history)
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Hi all,


We are listening to all your complaints about the save buttons problems in the product page on the Back Office.


Before this current system on the product page, a lot of people were complaining about technical errors they had when trying to save the product page before all tabs could be loaded.

We resolved this issue by blocking the "save" buttons until all tabs are loaded.


Be sure we don't want to be arrogant, i repeated what Xavier told in the different topics about this issue because almost each time we ask merchants access to their shops, we could see that they had overrides or modules which impacted the proper functioning of their shop; or that their server was not powerful enough.


We understand that some people have very long loading times which can be very annoying to work with.


In your Back Office you can go to "Advanced Parameters" -> "Performance".

In the "Debug Mode" section, disable non PrestaShop modules and disable all overrides .


If you don't have this slowness problem anymore, you probably have a problem with non PrestaShop modules or an override.

If you still have this issue, don't hesitate to send me your FTP and Back Office accesses (by private message) and we will investigate in your shop.



You can be sure that we are listening to you. We are working for you, not against you.



Best regards,

I understand the reasons and I share, but there is something wrong with the times in order to save the products are too long :(

mod_evasiv It is not installed on the server :angry:


Server 1:

OVH AMD Opteron Processor 4334 , 6 cores - 32 Gb di RAM - 2x 2TB HDD - 500Mbps (Burst di 1Gbps)

Cent OS 6.5 - MySQL 5.1.73 - PHP 5.5.29 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache

Server 2:

Intel® Xeon® CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz, 8 cores - 32 Gb di Ram - 2 x 1TB HDD - 250Mbs

Cent OS 6.5 - MySQL 5.1.73 - PHP 5.5.29 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache


Too slow to PS?


The problem seems to revolve around the script


Sometimes the message to stop this script


If active "define ('_ PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);"

Loading seems to end long before the save buttons become active.

Edited by Arteinfo (see edit history)
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Just updating my previous post with some impressive speed gains and no nasty hacks.


After spin times of ~25 seconds on PS1.6.1.1 on Windows IIS, I replicated my site with mods, overrides, products etc. on an Azure Ubuntu server running PS1.6.1.2.


Spin times on the product save buttons are now down to ~5 seconds!  :D

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Hi all,


We are listening to all your complaints about the save buttons problems in the product page on the Back Office.


Before this current system on the product page, a lot of people were complaining about technical errors they had when trying to save the product page before all tabs could be loaded.

We resolved this issue by blocking the "save" buttons until all tabs are loaded.


Be sure we don't want to be arrogant, i repeated what Xavier told in the different topics about this issue because almost each time we ask merchants access to their shops, we could see that they had overrides or modules which impacted the proper functioning of their shop; or that their server was not powerful enough.


We understand that some people have very long loading times which can be very annoying to work with.


In your Back Office you can go to "Advanced Parameters" -> "Performance".

In the "Debug Mode" section, disable non PrestaShop modules and disable all overrides .


If you don't have this slowness problem anymore, you probably have a problem with non PrestaShop modules or an override.

If you still have this issue, don't hesitate to send me your FTP and Back Office accesses (by private message) and we will investigate in your shop.



You can be sure that we are listening to you. We are working for you, not against you.



Best regards,




We have "prestashop paid" support contract, have opened multiple issues on the unacceptable SLOW RESPONSE TIMES OF BACK OFFICE and IT IS STILL NOT FIXED, in fact we have been told "it is your server" blah blah blah....   It is NOT the server, it is the CORE Software of Prestashop.


while you may be "listening" - what are you doing to fix the issue ?    This is costing our businesses money.   Again - We have a paid support contract and "time" has been sucked up by your "technical team" not having fixed the problem, but to discover many others are having the same exact software issue - amazing.   


We just installed the http://build.prestashop.com/news/prestashop-1-6-1-2-rc1/ for a brand new "test" site and it is still slow.   16 seconds to just load the default (nothing changed upon install) products page...  and  16.53 seconds to load the product when Editing...  and over 3 minutes and 49 seconds for the "Save and Stay" or "Save" buttons as go in circles....


SERIOUSLY ?  SERIOUSLY back on 25 Feb - you wrote you are listening ?    We have over $3,000 spent thus far on just one of many of our Presetashop carts and paid support contact and STILL THIS IS NOT RESOLVED.


I guess you did say "we are listening to you" however the lack of corrective actions or fixes to fix the well documented problem causing issues for multiple businesses around the world.  WOW.


When will this issue be fixed?   OPENCART does not have this issue, nor does LoadedCommerce.    Prestashop is now on version 1.6.1, where as this issue was documented by Prestashop users starting with and nearly 10 months ago.   NO FIX ?


When will this be fixed ?


For all of you who don't have paid support - We have paid support contract - and this issue is not fixed.



Dedicated Server with 16 CPU Cores, 64GB of Ram, Raid SSD Harddrives, MySQL version 10.0.21-MariaDB, PHP version 5.5.29, Apache/2.4.16

Edited by Sgt1966 (see edit history)
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We have "prestashop paid" support contract, have opened multiple issues on the unacceptable SLOW RESPONSE TIMES OF BACK OFFICE and IT IS STILL NOT FIXED, in fact we have been told "it is your server" blah blah blah....   It is NOT the server, it is the CORE Software of Prestashop.


while you may be "listening" - what are you doing to fix the issue ?    This is costing our businesses money.   Again - We have a paid support contract and "time" has been sucked up by your "technical team" not having fixed the problem, but to discover many others are having the same exact software issue - amazing.   


We just installed the http://build.prestashop.com/news/prestashop-1-6-1-2-rc1/ for a brand new "test" site and it is still slow.   16 seconds to just load the default (nothing changed upon install) products page...  and  16.53 seconds to load the product when Editing...  and over 3 minutes and 49 seconds for the "Save and Stay" or "Save" buttons as go in circles....


SERIOUSLY ?  SERIOUSLY back on 25 Feb - you wrote you are listening ?    We have over $3,000 spent thus far on just one of many of our Presetashop carts and paid support contact and STILL THIS IS NOT RESOLVED.


I guess you did say "we are listening to you" however the lack of corrective actions or fixes to fix the well documented problem causing issues for multiple businesses around the world.  WOW.


When will this issue be fixed?   OPENCART does not have this issue, nor does LoadedCommerce.    Prestashop is now on version 1.6.1, where as this issue was documented by Prestashop users starting with and nearly 10 months ago.   NO FIX ?


When will this be fixed ?


For all of you who don't have paid support - We have paid support contract - and this issue is not fixed.



Dedicated Server with 16 CPU Cores, 64GB of Ram, Raid SSD Harddrives, MySQL version 10.0.21-MariaDB, PHP version 5.5.29, Apache/2.4.16

Excellent said! I am really frustrated with this issue. I tried everything, searched forums, did changes myself and nothing. It takes more than 2 min for save and stay button to stop spinning. If opencart or any of the other equivalent to prestashop were better I would not have come to PS. And why should I disable non prestashop modules if I am using them in my shop?!?!?! what are these bullshits. Are you freaking serious - 10 months and your developers/programmers cannot solve an issue??!?!?!?! if you cannot find a solution, then go back to what was before in previous versions 1.4 etc. If you cannot find the hot water, then don't try!

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How to fix most of this issue:


We discovered a few items after we hired http://etiendas.co/en/ and had them review.


1.  If you are having horrible response regardless of what type of Apache Server - Shared or Dedicated, please ENSURE you request your hosting provider (including if it is yourself) to run:  YUM UPDATE -Y


That will ensure your server (regardless of who says everything is up to date) software is current and up to date.


That single step may solve more issues then you know.    If your hosting provider is unable to run YUM UPDATE -Y, then move to another hosting provider.


2.  If on dedicated server, ask to have CLOUD LINUX installed.



Most likely #1 will greatly improve the issue and resolve most of it.   Try YUM UPDATE -Y, and let us know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have to halt updates for our customers. This save issue is now a complete shopping cart killer.  Bruno buddy, WTF?  Upgraded one subversion to and now no products can be saved. And before anybody tries blaming the host..... LOL   Yum was ran last night, we run cloud linux and debugging/profiling says the server is powered by unicorns. So no this isn't a slow host issue.

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I upgraded to using the 1-click upgrade and have had zero problems. I've added several products and everything's working as expected. It does indeed appear to solve the slow "Save" button problem as it's only a few seconds now before they're clickable. I'm not sure why A-Z Hosting is having problems (maybe you're using too many unicorns?) but for me at least it works perfectly.

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The saving button issue can depend on your computer:


as many users, I have the same issue, save button is turning without end or long time with Firefox 42 on my PC computer Athlon 64 3800+ with 1Go memory with windows XP sp3. I've tested many hacks without succes.


But I noticed that I have no problem and saving is fast  if I connect with Firefox 42 the same shop with a recent Mac computer OSX 10.6.8 27ghz coreI5 4go memory ddr3.


So issue comes from my computer?


Many js files are running with Ajax on your computer when you re saving products, if there is no enough resources on you computer this can happen.

Edited by jolvil (see edit history)
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Hi all,


There are lot Ajax request to your server to display tabs in the product page. It takes so time. If you are using firebug for FireFox, you can see clearly. I recommend that, you should disable firebug when go to the product page. It will save your time to load product page.

Edited by Enrique Engblom
promotion link removed, please use signature instead (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Try admin/..../seo.tpl


* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
<div id="product-seo" class="panel product-tab">
<input type="hidden" name="submitted_tabs[]" value="Seo" />
<h3>{l s='SEO'}</h3>
{include file="controllers/products/multishop/check_fields.tpl" product_tab="Seo"}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-1"><span class="pull-right">{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="meta_title" type="default" multilang="true"}</span></div>
<label class="control-label col-lg-2" for="meta_title_{$id_lang}">
<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="{l s='Public title for the product\'s page, and for search engines. Leave blank to use the product name.'} {l s='The number of remaining characters is displayed to the left of the field.'}">
{l s='Meta title'}
<div class="col-lg-8">
{include file="controllers/products/input_text_lang.tpl"
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-1"><span class="pull-right">{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="meta_description" type="default" multilang="true"}</span></div>
<label class="control-label col-lg-2" for="meta_description_{$id_lang}">
<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="{l s='This description will appear in search engines. You need a single sentence, shorter than 250 characters (including spaces).'}">
{l s='Meta description'}
<div class="col-lg-8">
{include file="controllers/products/textarea_lang.tpl"
{* Removed for simplicity *}
<div class="form-group hide">
<div class="col-lg-1"><span class="pull-right">{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="meta_keywords" type="default" multilang="true"}</span></div>
<label class="control-label col-lg-2" for="meta_keywords_{$id_lang}">
<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="{l s='Keywords for search engines, separated by commas.'}">
{l s='Meta keywords'}
<div class="col-lg-8">
{include file="controllers/products/input_text_lang.tpl" languages=$languages
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-1"><span class="pull-right">{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="link_rewrite" type="seo_friendly_url" multilang="true"}</span></div>
<label class="control-label col-lg-2" for="link_rewrite_{$id_lang}">
<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="{l s='This is the human-readable URL, as generated from the product\'s name. You can change it if you want.'}">
{l s='Friendly URL:'}
<div class="col-lg-6">
{include file="controllers/products/input_text_lang.tpl"
<div class="col-lg-2">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="generate-friendly-url" onmousedown="updateFriendlyURLByName();"><i class="icon-random"></i> {l s='Generate'}</button>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
{foreach from=$languages item=language}
<div class="alert alert-warning translatable-field lang-{$language.id_lang}">
<i class="icon-link"></i> {l s='The product link will look like this:'}<br/>
<strong>{if isset($rewritten_links[$language.id_lang][0])}{$rewritten_links[$language.id_lang][0]|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}<span id="friendly-url_{$language.id_lang}">{$product->link_rewrite[$language.id_lang]|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span>{if isset($rewritten_links[$language.id_lang][1])}{$rewritten_links[$language.id_lang][1]|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</strong>
<div class="panel-footer">
<a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{if isset($smarty.request.page) && $smarty.request.page > 1}&submitFilterproduct={$smarty.request.page|intval}{/if}" class="btn btn-default"><i class="process-icon-cancel"></i> {l s='Cancel'}</a>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (tabs_manager.allow_hide_other_languages)
Edited by totallighting.sk (see edit history)
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My save button are also disable. I changed seo.tpl but it dosen't work. I try to empty all cache, but no changes, I juste upgrade to and nothing.

I put my error in screenshot, the text is "Uncaught ReferenceError: countDown is not defined"



Please help this is very big issue !

Edited by mahiiro (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a fix to this annoying spinning wheel yet? Tried everything suggested on this thread, no hope.I have the most up to date version of prestashop hosted on digital ocean cloud server with 4GB RAM . I have allocated maximum resources for my only application running on this server but its freaking annoying that I can't do anything on it. The wheel keeps spinning for ages before I can navigate to another menu on admin page. I had over 100k products on magento and shopify platforms but I am stuck with just 2k products here as it is not allowing me do anything. Any tips would be much appreciated. Thank you

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I am on and the save button spins. Tried all the mentioned things I've found on the web but the buttons keeps on spinning and spinning. I am really frustrated right now. cause all the other shops I am taking care of haven't got this issue (most 1.6.0.x and one on


Anyone got a clue?

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Hi MPenseur,


thank you for your information.


I don't know much about this Forum. Is this Forum not watched by a developer, so he/she can help.


I see only a lot of users, mentioned their problems, but no solution appears, even not a hint for the near future.

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