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Cart quantity buttons not in line


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Hey guys,

Does anyone know how to fix this?? while it's not an issue.. having the buttons just above and below each other would be awesome...

The link above my post is outdated an no longer works.. any further assistance would be fantastic

Also for some reason in my order total it says, $110.95 -Tx how can I remove the -Tx ?? I'm asuming its got somthing to do with Tax but Tax on my system is switched off..??
Thank you.

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Hey guys,

Does anyone know how to fix this?? while it's not an issue.. having the buttons just above and below each other would be awesome...

The link above my post is outdated an no longer works.. any further assistance would be fantastic

Also for some reason in my order total it says, $110.95 -Tx how can I remove the -Tx ?? I'm asuming its got somthing to do with Tax but Tax on my system is switched off..??
Thank you.

I dont know about the buttons, im having the same problem..

But to remove "-Tx", go to yourtheme/shopping-cart-product-line.tpl and search for "-Tx" and just delete it.
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Thank you, that worked removing the -TX.. just search for it in that file and removed it all :) Thanks!

Now.. in that same file I noticed it linked to qty up and down..

So in this code below.. somthings got to change for it to be the correct levels..

{if $quantityDisplayed == 0 AND isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId)}{$customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId|@count}{else}{$product.quantity-$quantityDisplayed}{/if}

{l s='Add'}

{l s='Subtract'}

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