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Contact us page with Map and Contact info


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Is there a way to put map exactly from our stores page and contact infos exactly from block contact infos to contact us page?


Of course, i can't just add my custom map and contact details to contact-form.tpl file. I need universal solution to all customers. So I need to "grab" contact info from block contact infos and map from our stores.


Any ideas how to do it by easiest way? Or maybe someone have solution already?



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hello vekia, thank you for answer. But you don't understand me right. I mead map EXACTLY from our stores page. And contacts exactly form block contact infos. Because customers install my theme, then they fill contacts fields in block contact infos and set adress of store in backoffice. So I want they notneed to do it again for contact us page, but I want contact us page with all of these features (map and contact fields like adress, phone, email). So that's why I want to "grab" and show in contact us page.

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