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New domain - old domain redirect results in 404


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I've set up my prestashop to work on a new domain. Now it redirects old domain requests to a new domain and it doesn't work well. All requests to old domain with empty path ( http://novakuchynepraha.cz / http://www.novakuchynepraha.cz ) are redirected correctly but requests with non-empty path ( http://www.novakuchynepraha.cz/cs/lamino/12-60cm-38cm-365cm-eurospan-egger-kuchynska-pracovni-deska-lesk.html'>http://www.novakuchynepraha.cz/cs/lamino/12-60cm-38cm-365cm-eurospan-egger-kuchynska-pracovni-deska-lesk.html , http://www.novakuchynepraha.cz/cs/ ) result in response HTTP/1.0 302 Moved to
and location: http://www.vasenovakuchyne.cz/?controller=404 , i.e. requests are redirected to ?controller=404 page.


.htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Where to look?

Prestashop is multistore.



Edited by dename (see edit history)
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Furthermore, non-www to www redirects are working strange


non-www request to category ( http://vasenovakuchyne.cz/cs/12-pracovni-desky ) is redirected to http://www.vasenovakuchyne.cz/cs/12-pracovni-desky?controller=404


non-www request to product in firefox ( http://vasenovakuchyne.cz/cs/lamino/2-635cm-38cm-410cm-eurospan-egger-kuchynska-pracovni-deska-matna.html ) redirects to http://www.vasenovakuchyne.cz/cs/lamino/2-635cm-38cm-410cm-eurospan-egger-kuchynska-pracovni-deska-matna.html correctly while redirects to http://www.vasenovakuchyne.cz/cs/lamino/2-635cm-38cm-410cm-eurospan-egger-kuchynska-pracovni-deska-matna.html?controller=404 from chrome.


Could be cache issue or what? Where to look?


PS upgraded to

Edited by dename (see edit history)
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