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PROBLEM with putting items on sale

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When I try and edit a product to put it on sale I choose the option that says “Display “on sale” icon on product page and text on product listing” and then I choose the option reduction amount or percentage I go for the amount such as $10.00 I don’t use the percentage and in the store the price is incorrect. Here is an example:

Pre tax retail price: $449.99
Tax: 8.00%
Retail price with tax: $485.9892.00
Reduction amount: $10.00

Price it SHOULD be in the store (TAX EXCLUDED): $439.99

Price the store shows: $440.73

I hope you understand my problem if not just PM me and I will try to explain it more. Thanks PLEASE HELP this is a BIG problem for me.

*note: I have chosen the option to not include tax in my prices. (I have also changed it to show prices with tax and the problem still continues)

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Did you ever get an answer to this?

The problem is that PS apparently gets that price this way:


(it applies the tax, takes the reduction off the full taxed price, and then removes the tax)

instead of the proper way which would be:


I don't know why it does that. I'm using only percent based reductions at the moment and it seems to avoid the problem ... maybe.

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