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Best sales in horizontal view instead of left column.

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Hi, I'm using a prestashop theme and on the homepage the best sales, and new products modules are displayed in a horizontal manner but I wish to keep them displayed in the same way on the whole site and not on the left column afterwards...Thanks for any tips where to make this adjustment.




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There is a hook named 'displayTopColumn'


Try adding it to the module, you know how to? Just create a new method for the blockbestseller.php file


public function hookdisplayTopColumn($params)


return $this->hookdisplayHomeTabContent($params);



then transplant it from the modules->positions section

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You may want to display them in the footer section so that they come under stay under the different pages. From an artistic point of view, it may not be the best to have both modules showing at the top of your product pages.

So try and transplant to displayFooter hook position instead of displayTopColumn position.

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