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Prevent content from being cached

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Hi, prestashopers :). I'm displaying customer's account information in a custom div and used blockuserinfo .tpl as the template. The problem is that when I click on "log out" it works but the webpage still shows the "my account" options even after being refreshed.

So far, I've thought 2 possible solutions:

1.- Force page reloading not from cache. I've seen a couple of javascript codes on the web to achieve this, but none has worked so far.


2- Prevent this content from being cached by prestashop's cache system. In this possible solution I'm completely lost, and the reason why I'm opening this thread >.<.


Any ideas about how could I solve this?


Thanks in advance :)

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Yup, but my live site is based on PS and it doesn't do this :P. I thought that it may be related to some caching issues, but I think you're right. I'll wait till they release the stable version and, if this behavior continues, I'll fill a bug report.


Thanks for your help, Dh42 :).

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