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Product+attribute quantities


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since I updated to and enabled Advanced stock management my stock situation is a complete mess. When I actived Advanced stock management all products/attribute combinations got ZERO stock... I don't understand why but the main question is how to get the right quantities back in the system again.


There has to be a smarter and quicker way to do this than to go into Stock Management, open up every product+attribute combination, update and save? I have about 1000 products and many of them have 5 or more possible attributes. It would take me forever to that.


I've found some modules but they don't work with Advanced Stock management activated. And I have not seen a way to Export/Import CSV with attributes.


Someone please help me... tell me that I'm an idiot and this is really simple to do.... and PLEASE show me how to do it!!??!?!?!

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I push UP this question.

I am in the same situiation.

Need a way to manage or update the stock qty in advanced Stock Management over 1000 products.



The question why your stock go to ZERO after activated A.S.M. is very simple to answer. because it is NORMAL and in A.S.M. you must manage the different stores and qty.

The way to go back is only possible by backup. But i think you have don´t do one.

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