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błąd 500 w ostatnim kroku składania zamówienia





Po walce z tym, aby moja presta wysyłała maile (hosting na home.pl niestety) Mam błąd 500 po potwierdzeniu zamówienia:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CATCH in /classes/Mail.php on line 311

ten odcinek kodu wygląda w ten sposób:


// Multiple attachments?
if (!is_array(current($file_attachment)))
$file_attachment = array($file_attachment);

foreach ($file_attachment as $attachment)
if (isset($attachment['content']) && isset($attachment['name']) && isset($attachment['mime']))
$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment($attachment['content'], $attachment['name'], $attachment['mime']));

/* Attach a file to order confirmation mail */
if ($template == 'pl/order_conf') {
$file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/pliki/regulamin.pdf';
$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(file_get_contents($file), 'Regulamin', 'application/pdf'));

/* Send mail */
$send = $swift->send($message, $to, new Swift_Address($from, $from_name));


return $send;
catch (Swift_Exception $e) {
return false;

public static function sendMailTest($smtpChecked, $smtpServer, $content, $subject, $type, $to, $from, $smtpLogin, $smtpPassword, $smtpPort = 25, $smtpEncryption)
$swift = null;
$result = false;
if ($smtpChecked)
$smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($smtpServer, $smtpPort, ($smtpEncryption == 'off') ? 
Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_OFF : (($smtpEncryption == 'tls') ? Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS : Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_SSL));
$swift = new Swift($smtp, Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_DOMAIN'));

Pojawia się to także gdy próbuję wysłać maila poprzez formularz kontaktowy, wtedy otrzymuję błąd 500 z taką samą informacją jak wcześniej.


Dodam, że nie usuwałem statusów zamówienia.



Czy najdzie się ktoś miły (i trzeźwy ;) ) i pomoże rozwiązać ten problem? 

Dodam jeszcze odnośnik do sklepu: http://krasnal.sklep.pl/

Edited by veciak11 (see edit history)
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tak to powinno wyglądać:

	try {
			/* Connect with the appropriate configuration */
			if ($configuration['PS_MAIL_METHOD'] == 2)
				if (empty($configuration['PS_MAIL_SERVER']) || empty($configuration['PS_MAIL_SMTP_PORT']))
					Tools::dieOrLog(Tools::displayError('Error: invalid SMTP server or SMTP port'), $die);
					return false;
				$connection = new Swift_Connection_SMTP(
					$configuration['PS_MAIL_SMTP_ENCRYPTION'] == 'ssl' ? Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_SSL : (($configuration['PS_MAIL_SMTP_ENCRYPTION'] == 'tls' ? Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS : Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_OFF))
				if (!$connection)
					return false;
				if (!empty($configuration['PS_MAIL_USER']))
				if (!empty($configuration['PS_MAIL_PASSWD']))
				$connection = new Swift_Connection_NativeMail();

			if (!$connection)
				return false;
			$swift = new Swift($connection, Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_DOMAIN', null, null, $id_shop));
			/* Get templates content */
			$iso = Language::getIsoById((int)$id_lang);
			if (!$iso)
				Tools::dieOrLog(Tools::displayError('Error - No ISO code for email'), $die);
				return false;
			$iso_template = $iso.'/'.$template;

			$module_name = false;
			$override_mail = false;

			// get templatePath
			if (preg_match('#'.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/#', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $template_path)) && preg_match('#modules/([a-z0-9_-]+)/#ui', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/',$template_path), $res))
				$module_name = $res[1];

			if ($module_name !== false && (file_exists($theme_path.'modules/'.$module_name.'/mails/'.$iso_template.'.txt') ||
				$template_path = $theme_path.'modules/'.$module_name.'/mails/';
			elseif (file_exists($theme_path.'mails/'.$iso_template.'.txt') || file_exists($theme_path.'mails/'.$iso_template.'.html'))
				$template_path = $theme_path.'mails/';
				$override_mail  = true;
			if (!file_exists($template_path.$iso_template.'.txt') && ($configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_BOTH || $configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_TEXT))
				Tools::dieOrLog(Tools::displayError('Error - The following e-mail template is missing:').' '.$template_path.$iso_template.'.txt', $die);
				return false;
			elseif (!file_exists($template_path.$iso_template.'.html') && ($configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_BOTH || $configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_HTML))
				Tools::dieOrLog(Tools::displayError('Error - The following e-mail template is missing:').' '.$template_path.$iso_template.'.html', $die);
				return false;
			$template_html = file_get_contents($template_path.$iso_template.'.html');
			$template_txt = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(file_get_contents($template_path.$iso_template.'.txt'), null, 'utf-8'));

			if ($override_mail && file_exists($template_path.$iso.'/lang.php'))
			else if ($module_name && file_exists($theme_path.'mails/'.$iso.'/lang.php'))
			else if (file_exists(_PS_MAIL_DIR_.$iso.'/lang.php'))
				Tools::dieOrLog(Tools::displayError('Error - The language file is missing for:').' '.$iso, $die);
				return false;

			/* Create mail and attach differents parts */
			$subject = '['.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME', null, null, $id_shop).'] '.$subject;
			$message = new Swift_Message($subject);


			/* Set Message-ID - getmypid() is blocked on some hosting */


			$template_vars = array_map(array('Tools', 'htmlentitiesDecodeUTF8'), $template_vars);
			$template_vars = array_map(array('Tools', 'stripslashes'), $template_vars);

			if (Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL') !== false && file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL', null, null, $id_shop)))
				$logo = _PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO_MAIL', null, null, $id_shop);
				if (file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO', null, null, $id_shop)))
					$logo = _PS_IMG_DIR_.Configuration::get('PS_LOGO', null, null, $id_shop);
					$template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = '';
			/* don't attach the logo as */
			if (isset($logo))
				$template_vars['{shop_logo}'] = $message->attach(new Swift_Message_EmbeddedFile(new Swift_File($logo), null, ImageManager::getMimeTypeByExtension($logo)));

			if ((Context::getContext()->link instanceof Link) === false)
				Context::getContext()->link = new Link();

			$template_vars['{shop_name}'] = Tools::safeOutput(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME', null, null, $id_shop));
			$template_vars['{shop_url}'] = Context::getContext()->link->getPageLink('index', true, Context::getContext()->language->id, null, false, $id_shop);
			$template_vars['{my_account_url}'] = Context::getContext()->link->getPageLink('my-account', true, Context::getContext()->language->id, null, false, $id_shop);
			$template_vars['{guest_tracking_url}'] = Context::getContext()->link->getPageLink('guest-tracking', true, Context::getContext()->language->id, null, false, $id_shop);
			$template_vars['{history_url}'] = Context::getContext()->link->getPageLink('history', true, Context::getContext()->language->id, null, false, $id_shop);
			$template_vars['{color}'] = Tools::safeOutput(Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_COLOR', null, null, $id_shop));
			$swift->attachPlugin(new Swift_Plugin_Decorator(array($to_plugin => $template_vars)), 'decorator');
			if ($configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_BOTH || $configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_TEXT)
				$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($template_txt, 'text/plain', '8bit', 'utf-8'));
			if ($configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_BOTH || $configuration['PS_MAIL_TYPE'] == Mail::TYPE_HTML)
				$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($template_html, 'text/html', '8bit', 'utf-8'));
			if ($file_attachment && !empty($file_attachment))
				// Multiple attachments?
				if (!is_array(current($file_attachment)))
					$file_attachment = array($file_attachment);

				foreach ($file_attachment as $attachment)
					if (isset($attachment['content']) && isset($attachment['name']) && isset($attachment['mime']))
						$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment($attachment['content'], $attachment['name'], $attachment['mime']));
			/* Send mail */
			$send = $swift->send($message, $to_list, new Swift_Address($from, $from_name));


			if ($send && Configuration::get('PS_LOG_EMAILS'))
				$mail = new Mail();
				$mail->template = substr($template, 0, 62);
				$mail->subject = substr($subject, 0, 254);
				$mail->id_lang = (int)$id_lang;
				foreach (array_merge($to_list->getTo(), $to_list->getCc(), $to_list->getBcc()) as $recipient)
					$mail->id = null;
					$mail->recipient = substr($recipient->getAddress(), 0, 126);
			return $send;
		catch (Swift_Exception $e) {
			return false;

ten końcowy fragment catch() odnosi się do poprzedzającego ogromnego fragmentu try{ }

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Niestety kod, który mi podałeś nie zgadza się do końca. Ja w swoim dodałem wyłącznie kilka linijek, aby automatycznie dodawać załącznik do pierwszego e-maila zaraz po dokonaniu zakupu (potwierdzeniu w ostatnim kroku) według instrukcji @Matsu z tego tematu: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/391101-za%C5%82%C4%85cznik-pdf-do-pierwszej-wiadomo%C5%9Bci-dla-kupuj%C4%85cego-presta-16/ - jak robiłem to za pierwszym razem to działało znakomicie, niestety podczas przenoszenia sklepu nadpisałem plik index i musiałem przeinstalować sklep.

Kod który podałeś jest identyczny do momentu (wstawiam cześć TWOJEGO kodu, który jest inny niż mój a którego nie modyfikowałem:

			if ($send && Configuration::get('PS_LOG_EMAILS'))
				$mail = new Mail();
				$mail->template = substr($template, 0, 62);
				$mail->subject = substr($subject, 0, 254);
				$mail->id_lang = (int)$id_lang;
				foreach (array_merge($to_list->getTo(), $to_list->getCc(), $to_list->getBcc()) as $recipient)
					$mail->id = null;
					$mail->recipient = substr($recipient->getAddress(), 0, 126);
			return $send;
		catch (Swift_Exception $e) {
			return false;

A u mnie wygląda to tak:

			return $send;
		catch (Swift_Exception $e) {
			return false;

	public static function sendMailTest($smtpChecked, $smtpServer, $content, $subject, $type, $to, $from, $smtpLogin, $smtpPassword, $smtpPort = 25, $smtpEncryption)
		$swift = null;
		$result = false;
			if ($smtpChecked)
				$smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($smtpServer, $smtpPort, ($smtpEncryption == 'off') ? 
					Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_OFF : (($smtpEncryption == 'tls') ? Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS : Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_SSL));
				$swift = new Swift($smtp, Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_DOMAIN'));
				$swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail(), Configuration::get('PS_MAIL_DOMAIN'));

			$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $content, $type);

			if ($swift->send($message, $to, $from))
				$result = true;

		catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e)
			$result = $e->getMessage();
		catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e)
			$result = $e->getMessage();

		return $result;

Posiadam prestę pobraną z prestashop.com (z głównej strony).

Jeżeli Twój kod jest poprawny to proszę powiedz w którym (od - do) miejscu mam zmienić swój kod na Twój.


Dziękuje za Pomoc chłopaki :)


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