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[solved] Shipping configurator is killing me!!!

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Heya (again)

My brain is boiling by now... I have been trying to set up shipping fees in my upcoming online store, and it's resulting in a big headache *ahhhhh*

I have created 3 carriers:

Portugal (default country for the store) - range of weight from 0 to 6 Kg

Worlwide (for Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceabia, US) - range weight from 0 to 2 Kg

Worlwide above 2kg (for Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceabia, US) - range weight from 2.001 to 6 Kg

In the front office I created fictional users from different locations, to test shipping costs.

When I login to either user, when adding a product to the cart, shipping costs that are displayed are wrong - it shows the ones from the default country "Portugal" (maybe it detects my IP is portuguese?), BUT if I go forward to checkout, it shows the correct shipping costs according to the address of the fictional user, however instead of showing only 1 shipping option (according to weight of the products of the cart), it shows both options I created "Worlwide" (from 0 to 2 Kg) and "Worlwide above 2kg" (from 2.001 to 6 Kg), even though the cart only has 1 item that weights 0.4 Kg (the only option displayed should be "Worlwide" wich is from 0 to 2 Kg)

On the backoffice in "shipping » carriers" option "Out-of-range behavior:" I selected "Disable carrier", but it is still showing 2 shipping options in the front office, instead of showing only one, according to weight of products in the cart...

What am I missing?...

Please help! I really need to have te store online by the end of the week :(

Thank you in advance for any feedback

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I have the same problem. I have 4 possible carriers, each with specified pricing and weight ranges. I have only 1 Country and 2 Zones, either Local or National.

1. Carrier 1 = 0-2kg, 2-3kg, 3-4kg, 4-5kg, 5-6kg, 8-7kg, 7-8kg, 8-9kg, 9-10kg
2. Carrier 2 = 2-3kg, 3-4kg, 4-5kg, 5-6kg, 8-7kg, 7-8kg, 8-9kg, 9-10kg
3. Carrier 3 = 5-6kg, 8-7kg, 7-8kg, 8-9kg, 9-10kg
4. Carrier 4 = 0-10kg

If the total weight of the cart is 0.5kg, it should only show Carrier 1 and Carrier 4, however it shows all of them. Doing some tests, it seems that it is only evaluating on the Max weight and not the Min and Max.

I have all carriers set to Disable when out of range and I only use weight as a calculation.

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I was able to solve my problems aswell (even though I did not get any help from the forum - sadly may I add...)

I have created 3 carriers:

Portugal (default country for the store) - range of weight from 0 to 6 Kg

Worlwide (for Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceabia, US) - range weight from 0 to 2 Kg

Worlwide above 2kg (for Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceabia, US) - range weight from 2.001 to 6 Kg

I ended up merging both international carriers into a single one (from 0kg to 6kg), wich solved this:

if I go forward to checkout[/u], it shows the correct shipping costs according to the address of the fictional user, however instead of showing only 1 shipping option (according to weight of the products of the cart), it shows both options I created "Worlwide" (from 0 to 2 Kg) and "Worlwide above 2kg" (from 2.001 to 6 Kg), even though the cart only has 1 item that weights 0.4 Kg (the only option displayed should be "Worlwide" wich is from 0 to 2 Kg)

I set up handling charges to zero, wich solved this:

when adding a product to the cart, shipping costs that are displayed are wrong - it shows only the handling charges
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  • 4 months later...

Tried to replace order.php and Carrier.php files from SVN but got checkout verify error at last step. The order never gets placed.

See my post at http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/54295/configuring___using_prestashop/carrier_configuation_for_free_shipping/

Is it safe to replace all my prestashop files with newer SVN files? I heard database needs to be update too?
What should I do now?

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