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display product features in category wise...

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i want to display product features in category-wise like below..


light source        osram

color                    red, green, blue



Tempreture        50

weight                 2grams

height                  1.2 inch



input voltage    90v

power consumption   12W


 how can do like this in product page

Edited by siddaramesh (see edit history)
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By default, you can't, unfortunately. There is no such thing as feature groups or categories. THerefore, you might try a tricky-like approach by checking the features ids, looping through all of them in the template file 3 files and displaying only the ones you want

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By default, you can't, unfortunately. There is no such thing as feature groups or categories. THerefore, you might try a tricky-like approach by checking the features ids, looping through all of them in the template file 3 files and displaying only the ones you want

i don't know how to code for this 

please send some code for this. i'll apply to my .tpl file. 

Edited by siddaramesh (see edit history)
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It's impossible as we would need to know those features' ids. Try something like

{foreach from=$features item=feature}
{if $feature.id_feature|in_array([1,51,33])}
// display, for example, the first group

okay thanks for your code, i've one more problem in product features

i added product feature value 120° but in front end it displaying like 120&deg, what to do for this

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It's impossible as we would need to know those features' ids. Try something like

{foreach from=$features item=feature}
{if $feature.id_feature|in_array([1,51,33])}
// display, for example, the first group

nemo1, i tried this code in product.tpl , it is not showing anything in front page even product images also not showing..

please give suggestion...

Edited by siddaramesh (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

I have one long list of features to separate into two product Features tabs. The easiest way to do this (in my mind) would be to duplicate the features output tab. That way, I can use one list to add whatever is needed under either tab.


I would appreciate help with the coding for this. Thanks in advance!

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Hello and thanks for your reply. I need two whole separate tabs each of which can access and output selected Features. The context/background for the change is to reduce the size of the description section on the product page. I have two bulleted sections on each description. One at the top gives structural details about each product (height, depth, color etc.). The other -at the end of the description - gives extra tips to help customers (dimensional weight, if oversized, or if international shipping is available, layaway plan etc.) I have all this info entered onto the Features list and would like to populate each tab page with the info relevant to each product. See existing page: http://www.ornamenttrees.com/wall-mounted-family-photo-tree-43CL.html .

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HI thanks for the reply. But it brings me back to the original question. How do I duplicate the features output page? I tried making a copy and renaming it but, the copy has to be connected to the back end and the features list in some way. I do not know how to do this.

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