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Direct API PaymentSense Integration

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Hi Everyone


So after a lot of debating I've decided to give PaymentSense a go. Now they offer Direct API integration so my customers don't have to be redirected to another site.


PaymentSense doesn't appear to have a module for Direct API integration.


Has anyone got any advice?







(P.S. Strangely PaymentSense's gateway currently has an outdated SSL certificate: mms.paymentsensegateway.com. Surprising considering what they do.)

Edited by n_s_simpson (see edit history)
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A payment module would need to be created that integrates with their interface.  If you have the API or Integration guide, you can send it to me via PM or via my website, and I can provide you with an estimate to create the payment module, assuming you are looking for a paid service.


As for the SSL certificate, being expired doesn't necessarily make the connection less secure.  It just means that the trust authority didn't extend their "trust" beyond a certain date.  (a means to make more money every year). 


As long as you trust them, and that you are connecting to their service, is really what it is about.  The data is still being sent securely.


With all that said, I checked their certificate, it is good from 2013 through 2018, so perhaps they just re-installed the cert?

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Hi, sorry it says they are using outdated SSL security settings. I have EV SSL working perfectly on my site so surprises me that they haven't.


The integration guides can be seen here: http://developers.paymentsense.co.uk/direct-integration-resources/


I'd be interested to hear how much you would charge. How long would it take you to complete? Would it be a one off charge? Would you provide an easy to install module? Could this module be used on our PS sites I may develop?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi bellini13, I've just had confirmation from PaymentSense to say that they only have a hosted module for Prestashop.


What I want is the ability for customers to enter their card details on my site rather than being directed away to PaymentSense.



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  • 1 year later...

I've just signed up with PaymentSense. Their own module isn't working yet so I'm waiting for their developers to confirm why.


However, they still only offer a module that sends my customers away from my site so not too thrilled about that. Is there any module out there that uses PaymentSense's API so that the customer can enter their card info without being sent elsewhere?





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They do have a Direct API Integration



However I still do not see a payment module available for this.  Have you discussed this integration option with them?  What type of PCI compliance certificates can they provide for this interface?  What type of compliance will they require of you?

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They gave me that link too. I think they expect us to write the module ourselves for this to work so obviously not sure we have enough expertise to do that.


Without reading I don't know what compliance steps we'd have to take but I'd rather not have to do anything to be honest.


I wish there was a way of doing it similar to Braintree with a dropin UI. Surely that's the best solution but I guess they'd have to create that and host it in order for it to work.


Kind regards



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The problem with their module is that it relies on the country being labelled "United Kingdom". If it isn't then their module falls over and there's no way of altering the mapping within their module. I've reported this to their developers so will wait and see.


I've also asked them if they can create a condensed version of their hosted checkout pay with just the credit card fields (like Braintree's drop-in UI) and then use an iFrame to embed it into the payment page. At the moment the module redirects the customer to their site so the customer can alter all the address fields. That means that for every order I'll have to check that the address the customer entered into Prestashop matches the address entered into PaymentSense. That's just a pain.


My gut feeling is that they'll say they can't improve their module so I might have to find an alternative provider.


Anyone with any thoughts on this?





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