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Change description length in PS does not work

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Hi, I want to increase the default lenght for short description up to 700 characters and what I do is:


Back office > Preferences > Products > Max size of short description = 700 -> Save


The problem is that value is not saved because when I try to save a product with a short description longer that 400 characters I receive an error message.


I have checked directly the database table ps_configuration -> CHECKUP_DESCRIPTIONS_GT value and it is still set to 400. Meaning the change to 700 has not been saved.


Finally, I have changed the value of CHECKUP_DESCRIPTIONS_GT directly in the table to 700 but when I try to save the product with more than 400 chars I still receive the error message.


Can anyone help me to fix this problem ?.








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Hí, Patron thanks for the information.


I have checked that PS_PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC_LIMIT value is set to 700 but when I save the article I get this error message:


       Field description_short (Español (Spanish)) is too long: 400 characters max (count 429)


I do not understand the error if the limit is set to 700. Does it mean that PS has a bug ?

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