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just upgraded, having issues

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ive just upgraded my prestashop from 1.5 to 1.6, im happy to say the upgrade seems to have worked out fine.


However ive installed a new theme 'IKON' from boss themes and im having some problems with it im struggling to solve


in my products section of the back office i cannot access SEO, quantities, images or features related to any of my products i just get a little buffering icon with Loading... next to it which continuously buffers and doesnt access any of the options i want, ive attached a picture below of what i see


has anybody used the IKON theme or knows how to help with this?



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sounds like a javascript issue. Bring up the dev console (f12) and inspect the networks tab. THere should be some red entries reading something like adminproducts....

Click on them and see what the error says. If it's nothing, enable error reporting (read my signature) and try again

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Maybe you can have someone look at it? 
As I said just hit f12 on your keyboard while you're in the back office, a console will appear. Click on networks and you'll see a series of links. SOme will be red. Click on them to see what's going on, and take a screenshot of it to show us ;)

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