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Localization/Postal Code issue with United Arab Emirates

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I'm having an issue with a customer placing an order that lives in Dubai, UAE. They don't use postal codes there. Just P.O. boxes. They usually get their mail sent to their place of business so the Address 2 field would be good to have also. He was trying to put the P.O. Box in the postal field but it was not working.


Can someone tell me how to do this? I'm looking at the country localization for UAE and it says, "If you do not want PrestaShop to verify the postal code for this country, leave it blank." so it's blank but doesn't accept the P.O. Box. 


Here is the address format I need:


First  Last,
Avenue Hotel Dubai
Al Rigga Road
P.O. Box 123456
Deira, Dubai


The attached is the fields I get when I select UAE using Guest Checkout.

I'm using


Edited by bside2234 (see edit history)
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They actually use postal codes but people are stupid over there not to use so business rely more often on P.O. boxes.


Go to countries from your localization and select UAE, from there you can edit its form variables (Example Zip code: ZZZZZZZ) where Z stands for a char.

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