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Can we speed up the shop by unhooking modules from displayHeader & diplayTop

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If they are modules you are not using, yes. If they are modules that you don't know why they would be hooked there, I would not touch them. Modules hook where they need to, some have css files in the header and things of that nature. 

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Hi @Dh42, I was hoping some optimization expert like you join and discuss.


I have all modules I don't use uninstalled but still want to squeeze every bit out of my configuration.

Then what would you suggest to try and improve my stats:


Load time1174 ms
You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Execution Load time (ms) config 118 constructor 0 init 46 checkAccess 0 setMedia 9 postProcess 0 initHeader 0 initContent 625 initFooter 21 display





Hook processing668 ms / 20.68 Mb

89 methods called in 37 modules
Hook Processing displayTop 6.55 Mb in 244ms actionProductListOverride 4.63 Mb in 190ms displayHeader 7.22 Mb in 159ms aboveProductList 0.30 Mb in 25 ms displayFooter 0.80 Mb in 21 ms moduleRoutes 0.62 Mb in 10 ms displayNav 0.22 Mb in 9 ms freeFblock 0.07 Mb in 4 ms displayAdditionalFooter 0.22 Mb in 3 ms calculateGrid 0.03 Mb in 1 ms displayCountDown 0.01 Mb in 1 ms maxHeader 0.00 Mb in 0 ms belowFooter 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayBanner 0.00 Mb in 0 ms actionProductListModifier 0.00 Mb in 0 ms actionFrontControllerSetMedia 0.00 Mb in 0 ms DisplayOverrideTemplate 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayMyAccountBlockfooter 0.00 Mb in 0 ms actionDispatcher 0.00 Mb in 0 ms footerTopBanner 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayProductListFunctionalButtons 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayProductDeliveryTime 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayProductListReviews 0.00 Mb in 0 ms displayProductPriceBlock 0.00 Mb in 0 ms maxInfos2 0.00 Mb in 0 ms




Memory peak usage33.6 Mb

Execution Memory (Mb) Total (Mb) config 5.15 5.5 constructor 0.00 5.5 init 3.49 9.2 checkAccess 0.00 9.2 setMedia 0.21 9.2 postProcess 0.00 9.2 initHeader 0.01 9.2 initContent 19.89 28.9 initFooter 0.82 29.7 display 3.13 33.6




Total cache size (in Cache class)0.00 Mb

DB type: DbPDO
SQL Queries693 queries
Time spent querying250 ms
Included files: 212
Size of included files3.12 Mb
Globals (> 1 Ko only): 284 Ko
  • context ≈ 155.6 Ko
  • _MODULES ≈ 93.3 Ko
  • _SERVER ≈ 12.8 Ko
  • _REQUEST ≈ 6 Ko
  • _COOKIE ≈ 6 Ko
  • _MODULE ≈ 4.4 Ko
  • _ENV ≈ 1.3 Ko
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