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"Newbie" Struggling but all the blurb says its EASY!

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I'm really struggling with Prestashop. I've been working on my website and now find that I have a blue box across the homepage with text stating "No best sellers at this time" I need to remove the text, but happy for the box the box to stay although I would prefer a different colour.


Also, on my products pages I want to include a link that goes to the Accessories page (not yet created).

I need to create a products page that shows at least 12 different products/accessories with a price that can add to cart.


Can anyone please help? This is the first time I've used an e-commerce site and its all very strange trying to find things when all the blurb says how easy it is!!.

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Siliconchip,  I'm no programmer just a user like yourself, so I cant really help on your first problem.  But you can deactivate the bestsellers module and get rid of the box altogether if that is an option for you.


On your accessories problem, you have to first create all your accessories as products.  Then open up the product you want to have accessories associated with,  go to the association tab scroll down to see "accessories" field.  search for the accessories you want associated with that product, click on it and it will add them.  then save it.  and that's it!!!!

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