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Help Needed Fixing Theme

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I need some help in fixing theme


On main page of the website - http://buzzpublishing.net/shop/  in Featured Books you can see three books on one line while on category page say for example http://buzzpublishing.net/shop/3-investment you can see four books ine one line.


I want four books on the front page in Featured Books, please tell me what to do.



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In order to do that you'll need to change certain parts in your product_list.css . At this stage your CSS for your <li>'s look this way : 
<li class="ajax_block_product col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4 this needs to be changed to :
class="ajax_block_product col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3

Also you have several errors on most of your pages, some of those are js, or missing links.

I hope it helped.



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Hi Sorry

YEs, I've been talking about the .tpl but it also depends from the theme that you use, could be somewhere else. As it's taking that much to you to solve it, please send your FTP details inside a mail to [email protected] and I'll fix it asap, free of charge. Also please send me the admin URl, and add an employee with the above mentioned mail (I'll use lost password, to generate a new one)..

Kind Regards


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I've uploaded the theme here : http://tech.wedis.ro/ps16/ (everything seems fine). You probably made several changes inside your theme, and for whatever reason the col-md is not 3 as it should be, in your case col-md is 4. I'm sorry, but it already took me to much time taking in consideration that we're talking about a free help.

Everything seems fine with the theme installed on our test server.

Please check one last thing, under Advance Parameter/Performance please set the site for force compile (the new modules have already a cache), delete cache. And try again. In case it's not working, I'm not sure what else I can do right now, without having access to the actual sever.

You can try several options :

1. Please ask for a solution inside the job offer section.

I can perfectly understand your anxiety in regards to the Ftp details, but as mentioned there is nothing much I can do right now, as my hands are tight, and from my end the template works just fine.

Kind REgards


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