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Show combination price impact on product

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Hello, Prestashop community. I'm trying to display the price impact for each combination on the product page.

Previously I managed to do it with the code tag {$group_attribute.price} but now it's only displaying the numbers 2 and 3.


This is the code i'm using:


<span class="impact-price">{if ($group.default != $id_attribute)}{$currencySign|html_entity_decode:2:"UTF-8"}{$group_attribute.price}{/if}</span>


And what I get is:


- Combination 1

- Combination 2 $2

- Combination 3 $3


This, for instance, instead of $269 and $369 as the price impact.


Is there anything I need to change, perhaps on productcontroller.php?


Thanks in advance :).

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