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Missing "Contact-Us" page

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Hello. I have new PrestaShop installed, and I need your help.


Is there a way to create brand new "Contact-us" form page which customers will fill and send inquiries via email to shop administrator? I do not know if I removed/deleted by accident, or there was an issue with PrestaShop installation.




I thought the installation was pretty smooth. But I found today there were duplicate records in "ps_configuration" table. Those are like "PS_SHOP_NAME" and "PS_SEARCH_INDEXATION". So even I have changed shop name in BO, it did not have any effects because it just modified the first record in ps_configuration table. I had to update with phpMyadmin to make change. Afterword, I deleted unnecessary recorsds though. So this shop name part is fine now.


The web server is shared host and not so quick. I had a lots or errors importing products with CSV because a lots of pictures. I had to break CSV file into many CSV files and imported. But other than that, everything else seems fine.


Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you!



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Than you for advice. I looked for files to upload, but there are two files and folders sets.  I found below two sets.





Which one can you upload, or both of them? Can I upload whole folder(s) since I have not modifed any, and it would enable the functionality of Contact-us form?


Thank you.

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If you already have the contact-form.tpl then what was your first post ???


Is there a way to create brand new "Contact-us" form page which customers will fill and send inquiries via email to shop administrator? I do not know if I removed/deleted by accident, or there was an issue with PrestaShop installation.




Right lets start again...... what exactly is missing?


A link to your site will also help

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