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I Cannot configure The slider module in Version 1.6.08 AND 1.6.09


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I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I have been tearing my hair out for the last 2 days.


All I want to do is to update the Maximum width in the image slider for home page slider module. 


I need the maximum width of 1170px in that module.


When I save it the system confirms that this has been successfully updated but it reverts back to original 779px straight away.


Because of that I tried to update other settings (including the YES/NO autoplay setting) and the same happens - no change.


I have installed this several times in different locations and 2 versions. Same problem.


I have no idea why and it's most probably basic.  Maybe somebody can help.


I have tried to update css and even js manually but to no avail.


I have attached a jpg of what happens in a constructed image.

Image slider for your homepage" module


Image slider for your homepage


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Sorry Vekia, I got sidelined with more pressing matters.  I checked the database and there are no duplicates. I tried again and cannot update any settings in the homeslider module (including autoplay).  I can however add and delete slides.

Another thing I noticed is that I have difficulty at times to delete categories - I can however disable.

I have restructured my homepage to accommodate the inability to update the settings so it's not really a pressing matter any more but it would be interesting to find the answer.

I see you are an extremely helpful contributor to this forum and you have developed some interesting modules for prestashop, so you have all my attention from here onwards :)

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Hi guys,


I'm having the same issue.

Could there be something hard coded in a file as I have purchased a template for my store.


Just wondering if I used the store after installation prior to using the theme that I added, if it would be an issue.

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In my case this issue is happening in PS 1.6.08 and 1.6.09 on a fresh install with the default theme. I have found the entries in the database and I will try and change it directly in the database and see what happens.  I'll report the results :)

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Because I wanted to update fields manually I found that there were indeed double entries - both installs have doubles, just different fields have doubles (depending on what I have been trying). The conclusion is that it was actually updating but to a different shop ID.

In my case it creates a different entry against shop ID 1.  How this is possible on a fresh install is beyond me. Anyway when updating directly in the database against ShopID : Null  HOMESLIDER WIDTH the slider behaves as expected. VEKIA you put me in the right direction, I just cannot understand how this happened in both my installations.  

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