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Help with Paypal Text at Checkout


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Hi All,

I'm trying to change the wording of the Paypal box when you get to the Checkout stage (See image below).

I've worked out how to change the image but want to change the wording from "Pay with Paypal" to something like "Don't have a Paypal account? You can still pay with your credit card or bank account using Paypal" just incase someone doesn't understand what Paypal is or doesn't have an acccount. I hope that's understandable.



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The last one will change the text, the first two are the title tag (the text that shows in a bubble when you move the mouse above it) and an alt tag (which appear when the image cannot be loaded).
If your changes don't show up, most likely the permissions of the /tools/smarty on your server are not set currectly (assuming you saved the file and actually uploaded it to the right place)

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Hi tomerg3,

I changed the third "Pay with Paypal" and worked ok if I keep the re-worging to one line. Is there away around this or is that just the way it is?

Also just above the Paypal checkout box are the words "Please choose the payment method you want to use to pay the amount of xx". I noticed these words are in the order.php file. As I'm only using Paypal and so there is no choice can I also edit this text in the order.php file.

Thanks for help.

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thanks for the info great help. I'm getting there bit by bit.

I found that to change the wording above the PayPal box I had to edit the order-payment.tpl in my themes directory. Worked perfect.

The other bit I'm not sure of. I am using Beta 2 Paypal Module due to problems with Paypal 1.6 not emptying cart and changing product quantities after checkout.

The payment.tpl file contains

{l s='Pay by PayPal' mod='paypal'}
{l s='Pay by Paypal. (You will be redirected to PayPal to complete payment)' mod='paypal'}

<form action="{$this_path_ssl}payment.php" method="post" id="do_paypal_form" class="hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="cart_id" value="{$id_cart}" />

I can sort of see what I need to do but so far any changes I've made result in a blank box apart from the Paypal Logo.

Could you elaborate on the changes you said in last post.

Thank you.
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They actually didn't come out right, was missing a new line tag...

In the .tpl files anything inside {} is a command that gets executed.
So here, {l s='line 1' } the l is a function that gets called, and s='' is the variable that gets sent to it.

If you have one line of text like {l s='one long line that you want to break'}, you can change it into two lines like:

{l s='one long line that' }

{l s='you want to break' }

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