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[Solved] No products purchased?

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I am new to this, but I made a test product for $0.01 and bought it using Paypal (live, not sandbox). It worked and it deducted the money from my account and added to the other account, but Prestashop backend shows that no products have been purchased. Am I doing something wrong? How does this work and how do you get the "pending, shipping, complete, etc" to work after a product is purchased.
Thanks for you time!

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you will be pleased to know you are not the only one with this issue

the solution is actually displayed below the paypal configuration (maybe this should be moved to a more obvious location) :gulp:

Anyway all you need to do is setup the payment return url within the paypal administration area

In order to use your PayPal payment module, you have to configure your PayPal account (sandbox account as well as live account). Log in to PayPal and follow these instructions.

In Profile > Selling Preferences > Instant Payment Notification Preferences, set:
- Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to On,

/// please change domain.co.uk for you own domain

- Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL to http://www.domain.co.uk/modules/paypal/validation.php
In Profile > Selling Preferences > Website Payment Preferences, set:
- Auto Return : Off,
- Payment Data Transfer to Off.
- In Shipping Calculations, check "Click here to allow transaction-based shipping values to override the profile shipping settings listed above"
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HI Alpha,
Thank you for the reply. I have actually done that and the link to the validation.php file is correct. Is there something else that I might be missing?

As far as the shipping calculations part.....are you talking about in paypal? If so, the options that I see are:
Get Started:
1. Set Up Domestic Shipping Methods
2. Set Up International Shipping Methods

I don't see that option to click.


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  • 1 month later...

This has been discussed a few times now; search is your friend :-)

There are two issues:

1) If the order never arrives, then there is a problem with the configuration of the server. My patched version ensures that the correct return url is used, but should paypal be unable to execute the validation.php file, or your server be unable to make connections externally (due to firewall restrictions) then the transaction will not be confirmed, nor the order created. Even with the patch you will need to check these two situations out.

Paypal module update for Version 1.0 Final

2) If the order appears eventually. PayPal can be slow at times, and the order creation waits for a confirmation from Paypal. The version 2 BETA of the payment module tries to address this, but is still fairly experimental.

PrestaShop Paypal Module v2.0 beta 1


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well I have searched until I'm blue in the face and I cannot for the life of me find where anyone has fully addressed the issues.

The instructions in PrestaShop do say: "In Shipping Calculations, check “Click here to allow transaction-based shipping values to override the profile shipping settings listed above”, yet that does not exist anywhere in the PayPal settings. I have looked in every possible profile page and that option is nowhere to be found.

I am having the same problem where the PayPal payment goes through but PrestaShop does not ever receive notification that the order was completed. In fact, the order is still in my cart.

I've tried the standard PayPal module as provided in v1.0.0.8. I also tried the updated module (per Paul C's message). They both have the same effect. I also tried the v2.0 beta 1 module, but it ends in a "hack attempt" screen when trying to checkout -- further, the order shows up in the admin section under the buyer's account information, but does not actually appear as an order in the admin order screen. PrestaShop even shows that an order was placed on the main BO page, but nothing is listed on the orders page.

Please help! Thanks. :)

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There are several issues, you need to look at each one in turn. First things to check are the basics:

1) If you browse to http://www.example.com/modules/paypal/validation.php what happens?

If you get anything other than a blank page, then there's a problem accessing that page externally which will need to be addressed.

2) You need to verify that your site can open a connection to a remote web site (i.e. paypal.com).

Try creating a file (I used http://prestashop.ecartservice.net/connect-test.php) in the root of your site containing:

if ($fp = @fsockopen('ssl://www.paypal.com', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30)) {
 echo 'Connect ok';
} else {
 echo 'Cannot Connect'. $errstr;

Let me know how it goes with the above two :)


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Pants :lol:

Either of those not working would point at a possible solution, but both are perfectly fine.....


Ok, another thing to try. When you go into Paypal and look at the transactions, are they saying completed? It could be that you're sending a currency that you don't accept by default (according to your preferences in paypal). The problem with the original paypal module is that it only responds to a "Completed" IPN, and so it'll wait until you accept the currency conversion. To stop this happening (if this is the cause, and it's only a guess), you can set the following in your paypal account:

In 'Payment Receiving Preferences' for 'Block payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold:' select 'No, accept them and convert them to...'

If that's not it come back and we'll try something else ;)


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It was set to "ask me", so I changed it as you specified and tried another transaction. Still the same result -- buyer pays for item, money is received by seller in PayPal, but this result is not sent back to PrestaShop.

Thanks again for your time and patience. :)

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Well, now that I have my head removed from my ass, I can tell you the error of my ways.

I was working on the site with a password-protected directory so it would not be available to the public. Once I initially logged into that directory and saved the password in my browser, I basically forgot that it was even there. Hence, PayPal could not send the information needed back to Prestashop. Shame, shame, shame.

But I must give a HUGE THANKS to Paul C. who came to my rescue and pointed out my dumb little error.

Thank you. I will go back to my hole now.

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