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Forcing ID when using the webservice


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Is there any way to override the auto increment and add my own ID for any resource?


I have the following below but it's not using the id. I've also tried $fields->id_product_attribute.

    public function addProductCombination($schema, $id, $options) {
        $fields = $schema->children()->children();
        $results = [];

        foreach ($options as $option) {
            $fields->id = $option->option_id;
            $fields->id_product = $id;
            $fields->price = $option->price;
            $fields->weight = $option->shipping_weight;
            $fields->associations->product_option_values->product_option_values[0]->id = $this->findType($option->option_types);
            $fields->minimal_quantity = 1;
            $opt = [
                'postXml' => $schema->asXML(),
                'resource' => 'combinations'

            try {
                $results[] = $this->presta->add($opt);
            } catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) {

        return $results;
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i have no idea what you're trying to achieve

you want to change the id of the object  or what?

if so, im affraid that due to the database consistency things - it's not possible


Instead of auto-increment kicking in, I want to force the ID of a product.

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I guess you just want to add additional field to database and object which would be unique to your attribute or product?


If that's the case, you just should add additional field to object, make sure it is added to object's structure and use it as simple value.


However, you will not probably make it auto_increment in mysql without breaking all tables structure as many errors can show up if default PrestaShop's ids will be changed.

Edited by Richard S (see edit history)
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