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Associations not showing in Product page back end


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I am using Prestashop with bitnami. Everything working on a local bitnami (lamp) or local xampp intallation but when I upload categories csv files to the bitnami virtual machine optimized for prestashop a server error with the product association occur.


The shop is working correctly with categories and products showing in the right place in front end and in back end tree and the csv loader doesnt give me any kind of error.


The problem only happens whey I try to modify or create a new product and I get this pop up error message related to associations :






My categories file contains around 800 categories but the problem happens at 317 no matter what I change in the file. File smaller than 316 records works correctly, file bigger than 316 gives me error.

has anyone any idea how to solve this?


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I have been doing some tests with fake data and the relation product-category in the backend seems to stop at record 257. the test file that I created has 10 levels and in the 10th level it has 246 children. if I add another record (the 257th) through csv or through the admin panel the association product-category stops working. This new category can be in any mother category but it still stops working.


To summarise everything works correcty with 256 categories but stops associating correctly with 257 categories.


I've never experienced such problem in all the previous installations I have done.


Can it be a memory problem?

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