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Upload path problem with Windows 8


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I am creating a PrestaShop store for a client. Everything is working fine on my Mac computer. However, my client, with his Windows 8 computer can't upload and see some images. Product images work fine, but CMS images don't.


The files are uploaded well as I can see them on my Mac. But on Windows 8, they all appear as interrogation marks. The problem seems to be a path problem, indeed, the path I see for images on my computer is different than the one on my client's computer :


- On my mac, I see the right path : www.website.com/img/image_name.png.

- On Windows 8, the path is : www.website.com/adminXXX/img/image_name.png.


I guess Prestashop stores the relative path of an image but that on some machines it is concatenated to the folder url (www.website.com/adminXXX) instead of the root domain (www.website.com).


Is this a known bug. Is there a way to fix it?


PrestaShop version :

Website : www.lessillonsdepeps.com


Thank you in advance!


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