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TAX not shown in the Shopping cart block

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I'm using Prestashop

I want to display the total TAX that will be applied to the user in the cart, in the same way as is displayed the amount that will be charged for the shipment, etc


The tax is displayed in the cart, but not in the block of the shopping cart.


For the Visitor, Guest and Customer group i selected the visualization mode of Tax excluded.


Under Localization => Taxes i enabled to display the taxes in the shopping cart, and selected based on shipping address.


However only a text message shows that the displayed value is without tax, but i want to show to the user the amount of that that will be charged.


I have seen the block code and has this:

{if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)}
                                                                <div class="cart-prices-line">
                                                                        <span class="price cart_block_tax_cost ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span>
                                                                        <span>{l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}</span>

What i need to configure more?


Thanks in advance.


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I think i found the problem.

If i set to the group the option: Tax included


Tha cart shows the products with the tax included and after at the bottom the total amount of tax.


The problem is that i want to display product price without tax and the total amount at the bottom (like is done in the cart), i don't know why both systems work in a different way. In my opinion both systems should display the information in the same way, but seems that not.


If anyone knows how to configure it how i want please let me know.

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