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Missing slash ( / ) between to folders


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Dear Community,


I recently have found a problem with a missing slash ( / ) between the subfolder (i.e. "site.com/store") and the tmp folder.


I have absolutely no idea how it happend. I didn't do anything in the code directly. I was experimenting with building an own CDN (external servers) with the built-in CDN configuration (which of course didn't work). After this for some reason the cache is a bit messed up. I received the following error in the PrestaShop Admin page/Modules:



Warning: copy(/home/<username>/public_html/winkel404.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/<username>/public_html/winkel/classes/module/Module.php on line 1369

Warning: file_put_contents(/home/<username>/public_html/winkeltmp/211444cf451f0f786b7ccfb2f348e8cb.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/<username>/public_html/winkel/classes/module/Module.php on line 1368



the site is: https://wouwlite.eu/winkel (it's dutch and maintenance mode is activated)

I believe "winkeltmp" should be "winkel/tmp".


For debudding purposes I have disabled all the caching tools. But still no luck.


Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this problem?


(N.b. "Winkel" is dutch for "Store").




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What is your PrestaShop version?


I believe that


should be



I have

define('_PS_IMG_DIR_', _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/img/');

in /config/defines.inc.php

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