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✪ Check out a product from a SPECIFIC WAREHOUSE

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I have 1 website but 2 warehouses.

We currently offer offline orders too. It means, customers can visit 1 of 2 warehouses and check out a product.


Let's say:

We have product A.

- At warehouse 1, we have 10 items.

- At warehouse 2, we have 20 items.


Now, Mr John visits warehouse 2 and purchase 5 A items. Logically, we have to distract 5 As from warehouse 2.


So finally:

- At warehouse 1, we have 10 items.

- At warehouse 2, we have 15 items.


But the problem is that, at the time John buys it, we don't know how to decide to distract from warehouse 2. There is no option to do so.


Can anyone point me out?


Thanks a bundle!


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We want the same in that the client chooses a warehouse on checkout, the stock is deducted from that location, and if there is insufficient stock, block or alert as specified in the usual manner.


It seems there is quite a few people looking for multiple warehouse and advanced stock management is not providing the solution i.e http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/375297-multiple-warehouse-setup/?hl=warehouse


There are multiple magento extensions so if somebody knows of the extension or solution for Prestashop let me know.

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