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How to make center column white -Default presta theme?

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Hi guys


I am having a small issue with the global.css for presta.


I like to add a background to my site which works fine with the theme2.css -> theme9.css in the live configurator.


However, because the center column of prestashop is shown with transparency or see-through areas it sort of get messed up with the center column, hard to read the text etc. I have searched the forum and found other people asked about how to make the center column white but not the sides. I hafve figured out about 90% of the things that need to be sorted: But i lack the header and menu part which seems impossible to turn white background color:


In the global.css i have added the following:


#container {background:#FFFFFF}
#center_column {background:#FFFFFF}
#slider_row {background:#FFFFFF}
#row {background:#FFFFFF}
#block_top_menu {background:#FFFFFF}


Yet when it comes to header its still is transparent i am unable to find the right css-code for making this part white as well. It is best seen which area i am talking about in the picture:



Edited by frank_jarle (see edit history)
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Sorry i am unable to do that as the site is not available.


As i tried to point out in my first post, the area between the slider, "new Arrivals", "Popular" and "follow us on Facebook", "Latest newst" all the way down to the Footer i am able to set background color = white and it get all nice in the center column. Its just the top i can't do that with.


there is two things i can think of, either there is no particular CSS code i can use to fill in that area with white or i am simply just hitting the wrong CSS code.


But i am sorry the site is not online so difficult to give you an URL for that.But if someone have a default theme and can tell me which CSS code i must use to change the header section to white i would be very happy :)

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