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Paypal Issue

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I've got a slight problem. I'm using the standard Paypal intergration module and have set it up as specified . The problem being that when the customer goes to pay for the item, it converts the payment into USD instead of staying in AUS . Does nybody have any ideas?


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Also check you have the default set in Prestashop correctly and not juts a lsiting of the currencies. We only have one currency available and that si the default so it can't create any problems.
You cna always add another currency later if it is needed.



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Maybe you should lodge a ticket with PayPal as to why. If all settings are in AUD then it should process same. PayPal are notoriously slow with replies though so be prepared. It took ages for us to resolve the last issue we had with them.

Sorry can't be more help



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  • 2 weeks later...

hello all
happy new year
my problem is after custtomer refferd to payment in paypal i get the money but presta dont make any order from that at all i can see only cart of customer but no order is made all setting was made in paypal account as described at paypal moudol page in admin backoffice.
dose anyone got any idea how to resolve this problem

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That's a great tip, but for the life of me I can't work out why this would be the case! I'm always on the hunt for improvements that can be made over the standard modues to make them more reliable, so.... Which version of Prestashop/Paypal module are you using? The latest (1.2.5?).


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I have this problem...

I can create the cart...
Pay with Paypal...
Click in Paypal to Return to the Website
When I do I return to the Orders Page and the current order is NOT there.
Items remain in the shopping cart... as if they were not processed.

I do get the confirmation from Paypal with all of the items, etc...

Anyone got any ideas what might be the cause... I have spent hours on it trying to figure it out.

This is in Paypal Live, not the Sandbox...

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You don't understand what problem you have... Look here what happened to more than 1000 people with PAYPAL THE SCAMMER.
see this and do not test on real paypal! They are scummers!
I can advise you to close paypal and create a alertpay.com account. Believe me, if they even suspect that you have no invoice for an action you've done (a sale) you will never see your money again.


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