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Limit Follow-up module to a group of customers

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Hi all,


let's see if somebody has tried it and can confirm me this. Prestashop version is


I want to create a new group of customers which I want to give an special discount.


To do that, I want this customers DO NOT RECEIVE any automatic e-mail discount code that I have configured in the follow-up module (like best customers for example).


I have seen when you edit the group you can fix restrictions per module and say that I do not want for this group to use the Follow-up module.


But I would love to confirm this point with somebody that is already using it on this way.


Conclusion: I have group A and group B.

I want group A to receive follow-up e-mails but group B costumers do not.


is there a way to do it'?


I would also say that please all that give your opinion if you have it running this way or not, because I have no way to test it.


Thanks to all & Regards,


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