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Where do i manage the "theme config"? Presta 1.6

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I'm trying to edit some stuff on the picures at the bottom (see attachment) but i can't find the files in my public_html. I know where i can chance the pictures and links - so thats not an issue. 


Could you please tell me what file i have to edit? 


Thanks and sorry about the crappy english ;)



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I know that .. i'm looking for det file on my FTP, so i can edit it manually.


You can browse to yoursiteroot/modules/themeconfigurator/img folder. The images are inside and you can replace them with images of the same size and fine name.

However, you can also replaced the images by editing them through module configuration option.

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You can browse to yoursiteroot/modules/themeconfigurator/img folder. The images are inside and you can replace them with images of the same size and fine name.

However, you can also replaced the images by editing them through module configuration option.


Hi .. 


I want to change the link (see attachment) with this Ajax popup line: 


<a href="#" class="opartAjaxPopupLink" id="opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1">Betaling</a>


thats my problem


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Hi .. 


I want to change the link (see attachment) with this Ajax popup line: 


<a href="#" class="opartAjaxPopupLink" id="opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1">Betaling</a>


thats my problem


I am not sure I understand but let me try.

If you want to add the class tag "opartAjaxPopupLink" and ID tag "opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1" to the current one in your attached image, go to yoursiteroot/modules/themeconfigurator/views/template/hook/hook.tpl.


The A tag code to edit starts from line 35 as seen below:

						<a href="{$hItem.url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="item-link"{if $hItem.target == 1} onclick="return !window.open(this.href);"{/if} title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
						{if $hItem.image}
							<img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$module_dir`img/`$hItem.image`")}" class="item-img {if $hook == 'left' || $hook == 'right'}img-responsive{/if}" title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" width="{if $hItem.image_w}{$hItem.image_w|intval}{else}100%{/if}" height="{if $hItem.image_h}{$hItem.image_h|intval}{else}100%{/if}"/>
						{if $hItem.title && $hItem.title_use == 1}
							<h3 class="item-title">{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</h3>
						{if $hItem.html}
							<div class="item-html">
								{$hItem.html} <i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i>
					{if $hItem.url}

You can add ID and class to the A tag here but don't remove the once there except you know what you are doing.



Please make sure you use an override in your theme folder instead of editing the base file.

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Thats exactly what im looing for .. but is there an other way to make the link in that banner pop up in the Java Popup? Can i add it in the Optional HTML somehow? (see attachment)





I am not sure I understand but let me try.

If you want to add the class tag "opartAjaxPopupLink" and ID tag "opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1" to the current one in your attached image, go to yoursiteroot/modules/themeconfigurator/views/template/hook/hook.tpl.


The A tag code to edit starts from line 35 as seen below:

						<a href="{$hItem.url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="item-link"{if $hItem.target == 1} onclick="return !window.open(this.href);"{/if} title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
						{if $hItem.image}
							<img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$module_dir`img/`$hItem.image`")}" class="item-img {if $hook == 'left' || $hook == 'right'}img-responsive{/if}" title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" width="{if $hItem.image_w}{$hItem.image_w|intval}{else}100%{/if}" height="{if $hItem.image_h}{$hItem.image_h|intval}{else}100%{/if}"/>
						{if $hItem.title && $hItem.title_use == 1}
							<h3 class="item-title">{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</h3>
						{if $hItem.html}
							<div class="item-html">
								{$hItem.html} <i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i>
					{if $hItem.url}

You can add ID and class to the A tag here but don't remove the once there except you know what you are doing.



Please make sure you use an override in your theme folder instead of editing the base file.


Edited by Erkan-Erdogan (see edit history)
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Okay thanks but i want to use ajax for the popups. 


I tried to replace


<a href="http://www.prestashop.com/" class="item-link" title=""> 




<a href="#" class="opartAjaxPopupLink" id="opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1">/a>


In firebug. And it worked how i want it to. But i don't know where i can i change it to make it permanent?
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Create an override for the yoursiteroot/modules/themeconfigurator/views/template/hook/hook.tpl inside yoursiteroot/themes/yourtheme/modules/themeconfigurator/views/template/hook/hook.tpl.

Then edit the hook.tpl file inside your theme module folder as below:

<a href="{$hItem.url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="opartAjaxPopupId_3_50_50_null_1" class="item-link opartAjaxPopupLink"{if $hItem.target == 1} onclick="return !window.open(this.href);"{/if} title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
	{if $hItem.image}
		<img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$module_dir`img/`$hItem.image`")}" class="item-img {if $hook == 'left' || $hook == 'right'}img-responsive{/if}" title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" width="{if $hItem.image_w}{$hItem.image_w|intval}{else}100%{/if}" height="{if $hItem.image_h}{$hItem.image_h|intval}{else}100%{/if}"/>
	{if $hItem.title && $hItem.title_use == 1}
		<h3 class="item-title">{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</h3>
	{if $hItem.html}
		<div class="item-html">
			{$hItem.html} <i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i>
{if $hItem.url}
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